Tags Posts tagged with "Miss International 2013"

Tag: Miss International 2013

  by Pageantwatcher (Disclaimer: The thoughts contained herein are not officially sanctioned by Missosology)   She's glamorous, she's beautiful, she's confident! Meet Bea Rose Santiago, the Philippines' bet...

BEAUTY TALKS WITH CORINNE SEMEDO FURTADO - MISS INTERNATIONAL LUXEMBOURG 2013 By Stephen I. Diaz Luxembourg is back!  What a welcome treat for pageant fans to...

BEAUTY TALKS WITH NIKOLETA DUCHONOVA - MISS INTERNATIONAL SLOVAK REPUBLIC 2013 By Stephen I. Diaz Yes, they are the other part of the former Czechoslovakia, but,...

  MISS INTERNATIONAL 2013 PRE-ARRIVAL HOT PICKS (6th Official Hot Picks)   Some candidates may have already arrived in "oh so cold" Tokyo, but as of press time,...

  BEAUTY TALKS WITH JAMIELEE RANDALL - MISS INTERNATIONAL GIBRALTAR 2013 By Stephen I. Diaz and Kerianne Massetti Gibraltar became well-known in the pageant radar scene after the...

  BEAUTY TALKS WITH KATARZYNA ORACKA - MISS INTERNATIONAL POLAND 2013 By Stephen I. Diaz Just recently, the great country of Poland has been leaving a strong...

Macau, which started to participate at Miss International only 2005, will be the early bird in this year's contest. Miss Macau Adela Sou Ka-Wai arrived...

Who deserves the crown? Support your favorite MISS INTERNATIONAL® 2013 contestants. Winner of the poll will be presented with a custom-made crystal trophy in...

  BEAUTY TALKS WITH EKATERINA SARAFANOVA - MISS INTERNATIONAL BELGIUM 2013 By Stephen I. Diaz  Belgium is one very interesting country to talk about.  In fact, it...

    BEAUTY TALKS WITH OHANA HUBER - MISS INTERNATIONAL TAHITI 2013 by Stephen I. Diaz Somewhere in the South Pacific lies a territory where the people speak...

    BEAUTY TALKS WITH CASEY RADLEY - MISS INTERNATIONAL NEW ZEALAND 2013 by Stephen I. Diaz New Zealand - the land of the Maoris - is famed...

 BEAUTY TALKS WITH ELEONORE LILJA - Miss International Sweden 2013 by Stephen I. Diaz When you hear of Sweden, what is the first thing that comes...