20-year-old Alina Sanko (in blue dress) from Azov, Rostov Oblast is Miss Russia 2019! She will represent Russia in this year's Miss Universe or...

  Galina Lukina is Miss International Russia 2018 Pageant veteran Galina Lukina was designated as Miss International Russia 2018.  The 26-year-old professional dancer will fly to...

Daria Kartyshova, a 23-year-old ballroom dancer from Nizhny Novgorod will represent Russia at the 2018 Miss Earth finals. Kartyshova is one of the winners of...

The first edition of the Miss Star of Russia (Мисс Звезда России) pageant concluded on October 4, with the crowning of the country's bets...

Polina Popova wins the Miss Russia 2017 title!  Победительницей конкурса «Мисс Россия-2017» стала представительница Свердловской области Полина Попова. Ей досталась корона стоимостью $1 млн и...

One of the most anticipated national pageants will culminate tonight, with 50 of the most beautiful ladies vying for the title of Miss Russia...

The Miss Russia pageant has this tradition of sending its overall winner to both Miss Universe and Miss World contests and while it has...

Reeling from its dismal 2016 performance, Russia this year is trying to grasp on what went wrong.  Yana Dobrovolskaya, Miss Russia 2016, is supposed...

The winner of the Beauty of Russia 2016 «Краса России – 2016» contest is 18-year-old Lada Akimova (Лада Акимова) who hails from the city...

Стали известны российские участницы международных конкурсов красоты «Мисс мира» и «Мисс Вселенная». Об этом сообщает официальный сайт национального конкурса «Мисс Россия». The official website has...

Меха и бриллианты: первая официальная фотосессия Мисс России-2016 Яны Добровольской Фотограф: Алена Березина Прически: сеть салонов МОНЕ Макияж: M.A.C Cosmetics Украшения: ювелирный дом «Эстет» Одежда: бренд SHERRI HILL (магазин...

Check out some of the photos from the Miss Russia 2016 pageant. Yana Dobrovolskaya of Tyumen won the crown! The pageant was held in...