And they got…slimmer!

A few weeks ago, Missosology raised some alarm bells. Read the following:

Are the chances of Philippines and Venezuela at MU in peril? CLICK HERE

Is Rolene Strauss gaining some weight? CLICK HERE

But hey look at Rolene Strauss, Migbelis Castellanos and Mary Jean Lastimosa right now! They all got slimmer! Take a look at their candid shots below.

Do you think South Africa, Venezuela and the Philippines are still the ladies to watch for at Miss Universe? Leave some comments at the box below.

Latest photo of Miss South Africa Rolene Strauss
Latest photo of Miss South Africa Rolene Strauss
Latest photo of Miss Universe Venezuela Migbelis Castellanos
Latest photo of Miss Universe Venezuela Migbelis Castellanos
Latest photo of Miss Universe Philippines Mary Jean Lastimosa
Latest photo of Miss Universe Philippines Mary Jean Lastimosa



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