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Tag: Migbelis Castellanos

Viente años de trajes típicos de Venezuela en Miss Universo ¿Cuál es tu favorito? ¿Cuál te gusta más?      

by chorr Chorr is a fashion critic at the Missosology Forum and is assigned to come up with the Missosology's Top 10 gowns for the...

  De acuerdo con el portal de Internet de Venezuela Al Día, Miss Universo Venezuela 2013 Migbelis Castellanos no puede competir en Miss Universo.   Un periodista...

Últimas fotos de Miss Universo Venezuela 2014 Migbelis Castellanos. Fotos por Manny Román Nuestra reina de belleza se ve impresionante! Otra back-to-back para nuestro país? ...

And they got...slimmer! A few weeks ago, Missosology raised some alarm bells. Read the following: Are the chances of Philippines and Venezuela at MU in peril?...

If you have read some rumors about Migbelis Castellanos gaining some weight, well, the beautiful Venezuelan queen did admit that it was true. And...

In 2013, the five countries that claimed the top five spots at Miss Universe were Venezuela, Spain, Ecuador, the Philippines and Brazil. As of...

  Migbelis Castellanos, 18 años de edad, estudiante del Comunicación Social y Ciencias Políticas, es la nueva Miss Venezuela. Migbelis competirá en el certamen de Miss...