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Tag: Miss International 2013

Miss International 2008 Alejandra Andreu is in Japan appearing in several Miss International activities. Check out her greeting video for all Missosologists.  

MISS INTERNATIONAL 2013 7th Hot Picks Again, we would like to stress that this is not a prediction.  This is our Hot Picks starting from...

Miss Lithuania Elma Segzdaviciute wins Miss Photogenic Award. She was voted by the press attending the event. Photo by:  Mr. Kenji Yutani (Missosology Japan Correspondent)   ...

  Miss International 2013 Press Presentation with delegates in their National Costumes.   Photos by Kenji Yutani - Missosology.Org ...

Missosology.Org was there to capture the enjoyment of the Miss International 2013 contestants as they visit the Hakone National Park.

  The Miss International 2013 contestants will visit the popular Japanese National Park called Hakone. It is about a little less than 100 kilometers from...

Miss International 2013 delegates got a very nice treat today, December 7, after they toured and shopped around the famous Ginza district of Tokyo. Photos...

The 72 delegates of the 2013 Miss International Beauty Pageant is experiencing a little bit of lifestyle in the big metropolis as they jumpstart...

After the Top 10 finish of Vania Larisa at Miss World and the Top 16 finish of Whulandary Herman at Miss Universe, all eyes...

  BEAUTY TALKS WITH NATHALIE DEN DEKKER - MISS INTERNATIONAL NETHERLANDS 2013 By Stephen I. Diaz Meet Missosology's Official Pre-Arrival No. 1 Hot Pick for the Miss...

ENTREVISTA CON BETZY MADRID - MISS INTERNACIONAL PANAMA 2013     Por favor, cuéntenos acerca de usted, de sus antecedentes familiares y su ambición en la vida. Hola...

Top 6 reasons why India could win it this time around:   1.) India is a serious case of always a bridesmaid but never a bride...