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Tag: Big 5 Pageants

Miss Supranational France 2019 (second from right) was being kissed by her runner-up, Lina Fournigault. Sheryna van...

  Tamara Dal Maso is Miss International Costa Rica 2019 Tamara Dal Maso, an Angelina Jolie-lookalike from San Jose will represent Costa Rica at Miss International...

    They were technically tied with the same points last year.  However for the year 2018, Venezuela has reaassured their powerhouse status - edging the...

Miss Universe Egypt 2017 Farah Sedky is the rare case of your everyday Egyptian girl turned into a beauty queen! From a very young age, she...

  Galina Lukina is Miss International Russia 2018 Pageant veteran Galina Lukina was designated as Miss International Russia 2018.  The 26-year-old professional dancer will fly to...

Louise Arild is Miss International Denmark 2018 From Miss Danmark National Director: MEET MISS INTERNATIONAL DENMARK 2018 – LOUISE ARILD! We are very excited to announce that...

  Esmeralda Malleka is Miss International Madagascar 2018 25-year-old Esmeralda Lombardin Malleka will carry the sash of Madagascar in the 58th Miss International Beauty Pageant.  She...

  2018ミス・スプラナショナル・ジャパン兵庫代表が決定  モデルの片山真理さんに栄冠   2018ミス・スプラナショナル兵庫大会が3月31日(土)にホテルクラウンパレス神戸で開催。兵庫代表にはモデルの片山真理さん(25)が選出された。 今年、日本大会へ出場する他の都道府県から4名の代表が会場へ駆けつけ、兵庫大会に花を添えた。 「群衆の胸が弾む音楽」がコンセプトのバイオリニスト、そしてピアニストとして国内で活躍する籠谷紗季さんも兵庫大会に応援に駆けつけ、美しい演奏を会場いっぱい、そして一人一人の心へと届けた。 トップ3 ウィナー 片山真理さん 2位 吉原香月さん 3位 原穂里さん 「競う競争ではなく、共創」を合言葉に大会を盛り上げ、成功させた2018スプラ兵庫大会。 2015年日本代表の竹内美絵子さんの出身地である兵庫県。再び日本代表がこの地から誕生するのか? 5月6日(日)日本大会の楽しみがまた一つ増えた。

2018 is indeed an exciting pageant year. Vietnam, for the first time ever, won a major international beauty pageant title. The victory of Nguyễn...

by Stephen I. Diaz All of this year's Big5 Pageants happened within a month's time.  Miss Earth 2017 held its finals on November 4th, followed by...

Colombia is 2017 Big 5 Performer of the Year    It is indeed a sweet end for what may have been a regretful year for Colombia...

  Miss Supranational 2017 Final Hot Picks This is probably one of the hardest hot picks selection we have ever encountered.  This year's edition of...