Set amidst the backdrop of the charming Rathaus (Town Hall) of Vienna, the contestants of Miss Earth 2015 pageant donned the gown of their choice and strutted along the hallowed halls of the elegant building.

The historic town hall of Neo-Gothic design full of history and culture is indeed an elegant choice for the competition. Reigning supreme in the competition are the contestants from Panama, Mongolia and Chile.

In Group 1, Miss Chile Natividad Leiva won the gold medal for her pale red rose gown accented by faux jewels. The gown was eye catching as it is backless and nicely hugged the phenomenal figure of Natie. Earning the silver medal in the group is Miss Colombia Estefania Muñoz while Miss Kosovo Kaltrina Neziri took the bronze.


In Group 2, Miss Mongolia Bayartsetseg Altangerel, who is a heavy favorite, won the gold with her salmon pink gown. Placing second is Miss New Caledonia Julia Roquigny and on the third place is Miss Russia Maria Chudakova.


Meanwhile on the Group 3, Miss Panama Carmen Jaramillo won the gold medal. She donned a cyan gown embellished with metallic floral appliqué. Miss Thailand Chavika Watrsang and Miss Philippines Angelia Ong finished second and third respectively.
