The Miss Universe 2013 contestants with their national flags! Oh yes, this is a competition among nations but unfortunately, a few of the contestants...

Miss Universe 2013 candidates posed for a photo during arrivals for the National Gift Auction at Crocus City Mall on October 30, 2013. HO/MIss Universe...

Miss Australia Olivia Wells was not reviewed in the best of adjectives before she headed to Moscow. Many analysts are not sold out with...

Miss New Zealand Miss Nicaragua Miss Nigeria Miss Norway Miss Panama Miss Paraguay Miss Peru Miss Philippines Miss Poland Miss Puerto Rico Miss Romania Miss Russia Miss Serbia Miss Singapore Miss Slovak Republic Miss Slovenia Miss South Africa Miss Spain Miss Sri...

Check out the videos of Miss Universe 2013 contestants in a truth or dare format. Videos courtesy of Miss Universe Organization. Miss France Miss Gabon Miss Germany Miss Ghana Miss...

Check out the videos of Miss Universe 2013 contestants in a truth or dare format. Videos courtesy of Miss Universe Organization.  

Here's the Top 10 Miss Universe 2013 contestants who aced their Ice Princess Fadil Glam Shot. This is an honest to goodness and at...

Miss Universe 2013 contestants participated in filming outside the Novodevichy Convent in Moscow, Russia on Tuesday, October 29, 2013. HO/Miss Universe Organization L.P., LLLP   ...

If missosologists concluded that India has a good chance at Miss Universe 2013 this year, it could be so because the Indian Prime Minister...

The Miss Universe 2013 contestants visited the Federal Research Center for Pediatrics. Photo courtesy of Miss Universe Organization.   ...

Greenland - Grønland in Danish and Kalaallit Nunaat in Greenlandic - is a desolate yet beautiful nation, untamed, cold and isolated. It is the...

Check out the sizzling hot Miss Universe 2013 contestants in their Yamamay Swimsuit. Who do you think is the best? Photo courtesy of Miss...