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Tag: Valerie Hernandez

    When a Big4 Queen gets crowned, its news. She grabs headlines and she creates a lot of attention. It is of no wonder then...

Dancing has and will always be the passion of Valerie Hernandez. Be it the flowing rhythm of classical ballet or the upbeat tune of...

    To say that the results of Miss International 2014 are a total surprise is an understatement. It was a whole brand new story and...

Miss International 2014 Gown Segment during the November 11, 2014 finals night. MISS INTERNATIONAL 2014: Puerto Rico, Valerie Hernandez 2nd place: Colombia, Zuleika Suarez 2nd runner-up: Thailand,...

  Puerto Rico's Valerie Hernandez was crowned as the 54th Miss International on Tuesday, November 11, at the Grand Prince Hotel Takanawa in Tokyo, Japan. The...