Tags Posts tagged with "Reine Ngotala"

Tag: Reine Ngotala

Miss World 2015 Hot Picks Week 2 Art by Island_Girl     This week, without any doubt, Miss Mexico Yamelin Ramírez is the hottest Miss World 2015 delegate. She...

  MISS WORLD 2015 1st Official Hot Picks   Among the dozens of girls who have been crowned as the Miss World national queens, Missosology has compiled...

FINAL RESULT Miss Gabon 2015: 9. Nyanga (Reine Ngotala) 1st runner-up: 3. Haut-Ogooué (Anis Christine Pitty Yaya) 2nd runner-up: 14. Koulamoutou (Desy Oyane) 3rd runner-up: 17. Woleu-Ntem (Ornella...