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Tag: Miss Nicaragua

Norma Huembes Salazar is 24 years old and represented San Marcos during the Miss Nicaragua 2022 pageant. She is a top favorite...

Allison Wassmer was crowned Miss Nicaragua 2021 during the finals held August 14 in Managua. The 24-year-old entrpreneur from...

Ana Marcelo from Esteli was crowned Miss Nicaragua 2020 during the finals held August 8 in Managua. The 23-year-old...

Inés López was crowned the new Miss Nicaragua during the finals held August 17 at the Holiday Inn & Convention Center in...

ADRIANA Paniagua of Chinandega was crowned the new Miss Nicaragua during the glittering finale held March 24 at the Rubén Darío National Theater in...

Miss Rama Berenice Quezada was crowened Miss Nicaragua 2017 on Saturday, March 25. She received the crown from outgoing queen Marina Jacoby and will represent...

MAJOR OVERHAUL!  Such words best describe our newest hot picks as we are nearing halfway towards the crowning of the new Miss Universe.  Yes,...

The representative of Matgalpa, Marina Jacoby, was crowned Miss Nicaragua 2016 at the conclusion of the pageant held March 5. She will represent the...

Maria Laura Ramirez was crowned Miss Mundo Nicaragua 2016 during the finals held October 25 at the Teatro Nacional Rubén Darío. The 18-year-old beauty from...

  Representing Central Managua, crowd favorite Daniela Torres (25) was crowned Miss Nicaragua 2015 held in Managua.  Yaoska Ruiz (19) who represented North Managua was...