Tag: Big 5 Pageants
Miss International 2017 4th Official Hot Picks
Miss International 2017 4th Official Hot Picks
Tensions are getting higher than ever! We have seen a lot of deleagtes who are already showing their...
Who stood out at the Miss International 2017 welcome party?
Who stood out at the Miss International 2017 Welcome Party?
It's Kylie Verzosa!!
Kidding aside, this year's Miss International edition is going to be one difficult...
How Kylie Verzosa changed Miss International’s global image for the better
How Kylie changed the Miss International global image
By Stephen I. Diaz
In every pageant system, the reigning queen automatically becomes the brand ambassador of the...
Miss Supranational 2017 First Hot Picks
Miss Supranational 2017 will be the last of the major international pageants to be televised this year as nearly...
Miss Earth Japan 2017 finalists
Miss Earth Japan 2017 will be having 14 finalists representing 14 different prefectures for the very first time. As the pageant is growing bigger...
2017 dermozone ミス・スプラナショナル
多くの見所を持った日本大会ではまず、Japan Pom Pomさんと共演を果たしたオープニング動画が、ライブストリームで世界10万人以上の視聴者の目を釘付けにした。
その他にもスペシャルゲストとして、フィリピンから今最も注目を集めるイブニングガウンデザイナーのLeo Amodalさん、インドから2016年ミス・スプラナショナル世界大会でウィナーに輝いたSrinidhi Shettyさんを迎えた。
宮城代表・佐藤 仁美さん
茨城代表・星 美紗貴さん
千葉代表・宮前 久美さん
埼玉代表・清水 絵未里さん
東東京代表・越川 友貴さん
西東京代表・堤 唯香さん
静岡代表・一ツ山 里紗さん
愛知代表・水上 恵利那さん
京都代表・平山 奏那子さん
兵庫代表・井嵜 綾さん
フォトジェニック賞 滋賀代表・藤井 梓さん
フィットネス賞 広島代表・后宮 凛さん
エレガンス賞 宮城代表・佐藤 仁美さん
トップモデル賞 愛知代表水上 恵利那さん
パーソナリティー賞 熊本代表・中嶋 飛鳥さん
フレンドシップ賞 千葉代表・宮前 久美さん
ソーシャルメディア賞 兵庫代表・井嵜 綾さん
ピープルズチョイス賞 千葉代表・宮前...
Yuki Koshikawa is Miss Supranational Japan 2017
Beautiful Yuki Koshikawa, a native of Chiba Prefecture who is a free-lance writer and model in Tokyo, was hailed as the new Miss Supranational...
GALLERY: Miss Supranational Japan 2017 Preliminary Competition
Urawa - No less than the reigning Miss Supranational 2016, Srinidhi Shetty, was the guest of honor and judge at the preliminary competition of...
Urawa blooms as Miss Supranational Japan 2017 kicks off
Urawa, Saitama - 24 delegates from all over Japan have arrived today in Saitama City's Urawa ward as they compete for the coveted Miss...
Miss Supranational Japan 2017 delegates sizzle in Ginza
Ginza, Tokyo - Seven delegates of Miss Supranational Japan 2017 got the chance to be photographed by Missosology last Sunday, April 30th, at the posh...
Swimsuit challenge for Miss Supranational Japan 2017
Partnering with Missosology has been a great decision for Miss Supranational Japan. Not only have they been receiving massive global exposure, they have been benefiting...
Miss Supranational Japan 2017 invades Daikanyama
Miss Supranational Japan 2017 in Daikanyama
Japan may have finally found their long needed salvation after Ines Ligron left the country six years ago! But...