Jinx n. informal – person or thing that brings bad luck. American English used in 1911 from Latin iynx, the wryneck, a bird used in witchcraft, from Greek íynx.
With NBC declaring that the next Miss Universe will be on January 25, 2015, it is clear as the Voss water on your table that Miss Universe 2014 is officially dead. While this is a permanent damage to the image of Miss Universe as a pageant, people are scratching their heads as to why a pageant with long unbroken history failed to conduct a pageant this year. Miss Universe is an organization backed by willing sponsors, billions of fans, a legion of high spending TV networks, and by the Trump empire, so what’s the problem? Why skip a year and risk staining your pageant’s reputation?
While this is highly unscientific and is in no way reflective of the official thought and opinion of Missosology, I decided to concoct some possible explanations. And it all lead to one conclusion – Miss Universe 2013 (the pageant itself and the winners) is the culprit. Please, let the drum roll.

1.) Miss Universe 2013 was conducted in a homophobic nation. The good people of Russia may not be homophobic but their government is. With a sizable slice of fans are gays – well in fact the Miss Universe 2013 first runner-up was a gay – conducting the Miss Universe in a nation with official laws that restrict the freedom and rights of gay people doesn’t sound right and karma just comes around when it is around.

2.) That crown fell down. Okay, this might sound silly but did you remember that Riyo Mori’s crown fell down? That Mikimoto crown was never worn again at Miss Universe – ever. It was replaced briefly by the CAO Fine Jewelry crown in 2008 and in 2009, Diamond Nexus crown became the official tiara. And remember how Diamond Nexus crown fell down in 2009? Some analysts say that it was a sign that Miss Universe was slowly declining and a year when the results were openly questioned and Miss Universe has to issue a press release to dispel rumors of fixing. So, last year, at Miss Universe 2013, the crown fell down once again. They say Diamond Nexus crown will never be worn again and a sign that Miss Universe is truly in decline.

3.) That séptimo corona! Ma. Gabriela Isler is the 7th Venezuelan to win the Miss Universe crown. Her 7 number is lucky – for her. She was too lucky that she absorbed all the luck to the point she will technically be reigning over 2 year – 2013 and 2014.

4.) Ma. Gabriela Isler is a known Chavista supporting a regime that is increasingly dictatorial and known for murdering its own people. While she may have toned down her support, the fact that she openly supported a brutal regime is truly a bad luck.

5.) Venezuelan domination is turning other people off. It gives an impression that other nations are helpless and without any chances of winning so any willing broadcasters in other nations including advertisers are pretty much reluctant to inject some cash. The same is true about host cities. Trinidad and Tobago for example was encouraged to host because of Wendy’s victory, Honolulu by Brook Lee’s, Windhoek by Michelle’s and so on and so forth. Venezuelans has been winning without even offering just once to host the pageant.
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