優勝—ミス長崎の辻恵子さん。 長崎大会ではセミファイナルで1度落選し敗者復活から代表になりました。3月9日(日)のスピーチのレッスンでは、「女性は変われると思いませんか?私は進化しました。ジャージにスッピンだった私は、努力をすれば変われるということを伝えたい。」「あなたを野菜にたとえなさい。」という質問に対し、「私は大根です。甘かったり、苦かったりする大根。磨けば磨くほど美しくなります!」 Q&A「自分のパーソナリティーを持っている芸能人は誰ですか、その理由は?」「クリスティーナ•アギュレラです。映画バーレスクを観て鳥肌が立ちました。歌声を聞いて勇気をもらいました。私もそのように勇気を与えることのできる人間になりたいです。」 約5000人の参加者の頂点に立ち「困難があっても私らしく笑顔で頑張ります。 」と宣言した。
Miss Nagasaki, Keiko Tsuji’s journey to MUJ 2014 was not an easy one. She first joined in the Miss Nagasaki 2013 competition, only to end up as one of the semifinalists. Winning the 2014 competition on her second try gave her the ticket to represent her beloved prefecture. During the Speech Training held last March 9th, she was asked if women can actually change, and she quickly replied that women are capable of transforming. For example, in her case, she used to be fond of wearing loose jerseys, and never to wear make-up on. But if someone is determined to be transformed, it is possible, she said. She was then asked by the speech coach if she was a vegetable, which one would she be and why? She wittingly answered that she can be compared to a radish because depending on the occasion, a radish can be sweet, bitter or sour. And a radish looks a lot better when it is skinned out, and just like her, the more she peals out the ugly things on her, the more her beauty transcends. During the MUJ finals held last March 18th, she was asked which celebrity could she relate herself with, and she answered Christina Aguilera. She exemplified the role that Christina portrayed in the movie “Burlesque” where her acting and singing prowess inspired her to be the best that she can be. And just like Christina, she wants to be a person who can inspire others through her profession. She promises to always do her best, with a smile.
2位—ミス東京の西内裕美さん。赤いイブニングガウンを着た西内さんが登場した瞬間、我々の多くが西内さんの優勝を予感しました。 Q&A「あなたが日本の魅力を伝えるとしたらどのように伝えますか?」「私は旅館に行って欲しいと思います。そこでは、おかみさんが迎えてくれ、畳、お茶などが揃っています。そんな日本の文化の詰まった旅館に行ってもらいたいと思います。」
Miss Tokyo, Hiromi Nishiuchi was a revelation in her red evening gown. A lot of people watching live were already sold that she was going to win it all, but she failed. When asked what is one great thing about Japan that she wants to showcase to the world, she coyly answered the “Ryokan” which is a Japanese-style hotel. She said that in a ryokan, the head hostess (usually an owner) welcomes the guests with impeccable hospitality, guiding them to the tatami room, and preparing traditional Japanese tea. These, she said, are representatives of Japanese culture that she wants to introduce to the world.
3位—ミス福島の高橋美咲さん。 Q&A「5年後どんな職業に就いていたいですか、またそれはなぜですか?」「私は現在レースクイーンとモデルをしています。5年後も今の仕事をしていたいです。私の姿を見て人々を励ますことができるようになりたいです。」
Third placer Miss Fukushima, Misaki Takahashi was asked about herself five year from now, and she answered that she will still be doing her job as a race queen and a model.
4位—ミス大阪の岡根安里さん。 Q&A「今までで1番感動した日のことを教えて下さい。」「以前、国際教養としてカンボジアで英語落語を発表させてもらいました。その時現地の人々に喜んでもらえたことが忘れられません。海外に日本の文化を伝え、国際交流も広げていきます。」
Fourth placer Miss Osaka, Anri Okane, was asked about the most emotional event in her life, and she mentioned the time when she went to Cambodia as an international volunteer for humanitarian effort. She was asked to present an English Rakugo (a form of Japanese one-act comedy), and the people received it well. Such experience was unforgettable for her and she wishes to continue to introduce Japanese culture to the world.
5位—ミス愛媛の秦まどかさん。 Q&A「人生の成功の定義を教えて下さい。」 「人生の成功の定義は何事も本気で闘い、最後まで諦めずに続けることです。どんなに小さなことでも構いません。意思を強く持ち、楽しみ、継続することができる。そして、周りに助けてくれる方がいる。そんな人がいたら、成功だと言うことができます。」
Fifth placer, Madoka Hata of Ehime was asked about her definition of success. She said that success can be defined by being able to fight to achieve something through strong will. For her, one must not quit in achieving something, no matter how small they are. To be able to think strongly, to enjoy each moment and being consistent in doing something, as she believes that there will always be people around to support you no matter what. That person, for her, is a successful person.
Top 15 Miss Hokkaido, Marimo Kusaka was awarded the Tanita Special Award. In a private interview with her, she said that Miss Hokkaido competition was very peaceful and everyone made friends with each other. She said that they keep on supporting her during MUJ. She hopes to be able to introduce MUJ to everyone, regardless of age.
Miss Aichi, Maki Yamaguchi also made it into the Top 15. During the finals night, she looked refreshingly beautiful with a light colored swimsuit. Many people cannot understand how she failed to enter the Top 5. But during the after party, when she was asked for a photo, she shyly answered that she already took off her high-heel shows, but still obliged to take a photo. She’s really nice!
Top 15 Miss Yamagata, Risa Nagashima has an interesting story. During the Speech Lesson last March 9th, she shared the importance of family closeness and her passion in playing handball. When she learned that she was not part of the Hot Pick, she jokingly said that she will make everyone regret why she’s not included in the list. That’s the spirit of a true winner! True to her words, she made us regret not putting her in the Top 15! Being a university student, she is now based in Tokyo. She was a runner-up in the Miss Gunma competition, but was recalled to represent Yamagata at MUJ. She placed, but Miss Gunma didn’t.
The very beautiful Top 15 delegate from Kumamoto, Yurie Kakimoto has a great personality, way better than her predecessor! This girl really knows how and when to say “Thank you” and appreciate people around her. Her natural smile is so infectious, that we can only wish her all the best and the Miss Kumamoto Organization!
トップ15 トータルワークアウト賞—ミス大分の城あずささん。「トータルワークアウト賞おめでとうございます!」「実は大分にTWないんです。」「…できるといいですね。」
Forum favorite, Miss Oita, Azusa Jyo, and Top 15 semifinalist was also awarded the Total Workout Special Award. It’s funny when she told us that there is no Total Workout Gym in Oita, so how can she use her one-year free membership!
トップ15ミス佐賀の 苣木静香さん。肌の色、体のバランス、プロポーションにおいてNo, 1でした。
Speaking of the one with real “Total Workout” body, Miss Saga Shizuka Chisaki is the bomb! She has the best body proportion and a perfect skin tone!
Miss Miyagi, Risa Takahashi may have not placed in the Top 15, but she still made a strong impact. It’s quite unbelievable that she did not make it into the semifinals, but at least, she was given the taste of winning when was proclaimed as the winner during the dress rehearsal. It really does not matter that Risa did not make it, because for her fans, she’s still No. 1! She may not have won the MUJ crown,but, better things may be in store for her in the near future.
ミス埼玉の薗田杏奈さん。BC4日目の7日に事故が起こり、歩くのが困難になりました。当日サポーターをつけてステージに上りました。困難に直面し、それでも諦めなかった薗田さんの姿は多くの人に勇気を与え、他のミス代表にもいい影響を与えました。ティアラは見えませんが、本当のウィナーは薗田さんです。来年、薗田さんの意思を受け継ぎ、 埼玉から日本代表が生まれるかもしれません。
Speaking of woman who was a true inspiration, Anna Sonoda of Saitama is that girl! One delegate sabotaged her during the Beauty Camp, which hurt her left leg. She could not walk for days. But, during the finals night, she wore a supporter and danced her way into the opening number, despite her injury. Such classic display of courage and honor made Anna a true winner for us, and that is the tiara that we would like to give her.
ミス徳島の若尾綾香さん。「ミス広島• 若尾綾香!間違えました、ミス徳島•若尾綾香」会場の雰囲気が明るくなりました。若尾さんのファンも素の若尾さんがそのまま出たと喜んでいました。
Who could ever forget Miss Tokushima, Ayaka Wakao’s comic act in the self-introduction? Instead of introducing herself as Miss Tokushima, she said “Miss Hiroshima” and apologized while laughing at herself. Such blur made the intense atmosphere take a brighter turn, and we love her for that!
Complete Result
MUJ 2014 – NAGASAKI (Keiko Tsuji)
1st Runner-up – TOKYO (Hiromi Nichiuchi)
2nd Runner-up – FUKUSHIMA (Misaki Takahashi)
3rd Runner-up – OSAKA (Anri Okane)
4th Runner-up – EHIME (Madoka Hata)
AICHI (Maki Yamaguchi)
AKITA (Fuuka Sato)
CHIBA (Naoko Koda)
HOKKAIDO (Marimo Kusaka)
HYOGO (Mieko Takeuchi)
KUMAMOTO (Yurie Kakimoto)
OITA (Azusa Jyo)
SAGA (Shizuka Chisaki)
SHIZUOKA (Hikari Iwasaki)
YAMAGATA (Risa Nagashima)