After a two-year hiatus, Switzerland is set to make a return in Miss Universe.
Jastina Doreen Riederer, who was crowned Miss Schweiz 2018 in March, will represent Switzerland at the 2018 Miss Universe competition in December in Bangkok, Thailand.
“This is a great pleasure and honor for me,” the 20-year-old beauty from Aargau was quoted by Schweizer Illustrierte.
Miss Schweiz organization has reacquired the franchise after five years. The last Miss Schweiz to compete in Miss Universe was Dominique Rinderknecht in 2013. Missosology.Org

Jastina Doreen Riederer freut sich bei ihrer Kroenung zur neuen Miss Schweiz 2018, aufgenommen am Samstag, 10. Maerz 2018 in der Trafohalle in Baden. (KEYSTONE/Ennio Leanza)