Do you want to know the secret in winning Miss International? Well, there are so many formulas and you can get dizzy with all the tips here and there. Besides, Miss International is getting more and more unpredictable so it’s a bit of a headache to deduce just one single magic formula in winning.

Edymar Martinez
Edymar Martinez when she was crowned as Miss Venezuela International

Let’s learn from Edymar Martinez though. She’s a fresh Venezuelan beauty who managed to bag one of the four coveted titles of the year. Her winning formula? Just enjoy the show, don’t worry and stick with your playbook. Sure, a very strong sash helped her but had her nerves been unsteady or if she allowed the pressure to set in, she couldn’t have achieved victory.

Edymar Martinez curvaceous body won the nod of the judges during the Miss International 2015 finals night
Edymar Martinez curvaceous body won the nod of the judges during the Miss International 2015 finals night

From the observations of Missosology correspondents, Edymar was simply a fun woman to be with. She didn’t seem to walk around and flaunted her Venezuela sash. Neither was she worried if she would be in the semis or not. She just savored every moment of fun she could get from the Miss International pageant. It was that hakuna matata (Swahili for no worries) attitude of Edymar that allowed her to survive in what was actually a very tight race towards the Miss International 2015 crown.

Edymar Martinez
Fun national costume for a fun woman

A word of caution: having fun is different from a happy go lucky behaviour. No one would seriously think that Edymar would still win if she didn’t mind what was going on. Edymar did care about her performance and she had faith in her capabilities. She did not worry and she did have fun because she knew she gave her best. Simply put, she just enjoyed what she was doing.

Edymar Martinez
Edymar Martinez is the 7th Venezuelan woman who won the Miss International crown

If we are to list the strong contestants that simply faltered because they worried too much, we could come up with a dozen or two names. Worrying in the world of pageantry is a complete waste of time as it doesn’t change anything for the better. So, if you are a pageant contestant, worry not and enjoy every moment! Think about Edymar Martinez on how she managed to carry out her duties and responsibilities by simply having fun!

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