By far one of the most superlatives batches in 2000’s and the money that Femina and Times Group have invested is fortune!
Right from the regional contests and their crowning to the main pageant and the new crowns – everything is magnanimous!! One of the grandest affair, even more spectacular than some of the minor International pageants is awaited on March 28th when the winners of Femina Miss India will be crowned. With an array of sponsors and event producers, expect a glittering starry night.
To quickly recap, on March 25th, sub-contest ceremony was organized which was judged by:
Gavin Miguel – Fashion Designer
Vikram Bawa – Official Photographer for Miss India 2015
Dino Morea – Model, Actor and Producer
Falguni & Shane peacock – International Fashion Designers
Among the important sub-contests were Vartika Singh – Miss Photogenic, Deeksha Kaushal – Miss Timeless Beauty, Pranati Prakash – Miss Talent, Diksha Singh – Miss Best Body.
We had an extremely hard time to come up with the winner’s circle. Almost 10 stunning and talented girls can compete in any major International competition and at least place among the semi-finalists with no preparation. Among them are 5 absolutely breath-taking beauties who can just reach as high as Top 5 or even win it all. They are so polished and prepared already that India is ready to take dominate the pageantry once again and re-claim it’s Major Powerhouse status with this batch.
Here is the panoramic review of all the 21 girls of Femina Miss India starting with the goddess and predicted winner of the main crown – Miss India World 2015 who will represent India at the Miss World 2015.

So close yet so far! But these girls have potential to turn the competition upside down and grab the spots from the front-runners. Although listed as girls with a Top 10 placement, the following 5 girls are in true sense competitors to the highest strengths and in true way molded the course of the competition batch from great to superb!
Aafreen is one of the most talked about girls and has everything to be among the winners circle. She is among the tallest girls and with a super model body, she is just taking the competition to another level. Fenian has grown so much with girls like Aafreen, which reminded me of 2013 and 2014 competition when barely 2-3 girls passed a decent body. And this year, it’s just the opposite. Aafreen also competed in New Zealand’s Next Top Model and that itself speaks volume of her profile.
Aishwarya on the other hand, is one of the prettiest and also an amazing singer. She is very photogenic and telegenic and this could totally work in her favor. Only if she had more mass and not chicken legs, she would have been a front runner for the main title. Nevertheless, she is definitely one of the better girls and I am happy she is doing great so far!
Tanya, goddess like face but the worst body of the competition. Such a shame that she did not take the contest seriously which otherwise could have been among the Top 5 girls. There are many deserving girls than her but she found her place because of incredible personality and superlative beauty which scores much more in terms of overall contest. If she ever decides to join Miss Diva or give another try to Miss India, I’d strongly advice her shed 10 lbs and take the competition very seriously. Girls like her who are crown caliber, take it very lightly and result either in Amruta Thaper, Ekta Chouwdary or Naveneet Singh when sent to International competition. Pull your stockings up and say bye to your thunder thighs. And see where I place you in my hot picks!
Apeksha Porwal, one of the most impressive profiles and performer of the competition. On the contrary to Tanya, girls like her make be feel optimistic about Indian pageantry that it is going places and picking up not only among the pretty ones but also the career oriented woman who wants to re-define the concept of beautiful. I wouldn’t be surprised at all if she is part of Top 5 for the sole reason that she has a lot of inner substance and character to herself.
And the most popular girl among the all – Rewati Chetri who is an Indian barbie will mostly get Miss Multimedia award and sneak into the Top 10. A very well deserved because her type of beauty is not much appreciated in India which is a shame because she is a symbolic beauty of all the North-East states of Indian sub-continent.
At least 5 girls from these are capable of even ending up in top 5. Best Body awarded – Diksha, Miss Talent – Medhika, Miss Rampwalk – Sushrii, and Miss Active – Sushruti, are also important sub awards these girls won. You cannot ignore these girls but just hope they don’t steal the thunder by playing devils of the competition. Sushrii is my top pick among this lot who could end up hurting someone really badly in terms of placements. She has been incredible throughout this 4 weeks and a loyalist to Femina. Chahat and Minash have also grown tremendously from their Miss India stint. Sushruti is another girl that I am keeping an eye on, her face and personality is very ideal for pageants. Akanksha and Naveli has very impressive resumes to match. Ruchira has been very consistent throughout the contest along with Meghna Mittal who reminds me a lot of Manasi Moghe. Not only they have same first and last initials but same body and face type. Overall, I am just taxed by arranging and re-arranging these girls going back and forth of my overall rankings. But, one thing is pretty evident, this batch is going down in the history as one of the most prolific batches and I really hope that best one wins!
Special thanks to SANTI MENdbER for graphics!