The British Broadcasting Corporation or popularly known as BBC has officially acknowledged something that Missosology has already known for a long time – there are only four major pageants in the world. BBC unabashedly declared – “The “Big Four” international pageants are Miss Universe, Miss World, Miss International and Miss Earth”
The current Big4 Winners
In an article written about the success of the Philippines in international pageantry [READ], BBC has unwittingly supported the concept of Big4 Pageants which is currently under attack from various sectors. Some missosologists pulled out their support from Miss Earth but the current situation shows that it is difficult to deny this pageant a place among the major players. Some would push for the inclusion start-up pageants or pageants with dubious agenda. In the end, the impartial major media entities could see the obvious – only Miss World, Miss Universe, Miss Earth and Miss International are the only four major pageants in the world.
The Big4 ranking designed by Stephen Diaz is the ultimate ranking in the world of pageantry that has stood the test of time
Even within Missosology, there is a huge debate about the future of the Big4 pageants. Start-up pageants are pretty much aggressive in marketing their organizations using all resources within their disposal to cajole impartial people to side with their agenda. But the Big4 concept proved to be resilient and surprisingly immune to all of the attacks. Missosology will continue to support this concept and based on analysis, it will be a while before a new pageant will emerge as candidate to join the big leagues.
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