Miss Universe Japan 2015, Ariana Miyamoto, the most talked about MUJ winner in recent memory may have attracted the interest of the whole world due to her unconventional look and unique story, but her mission is just starting over. Last Wednesday, Missosology was given the rare opportunity to observe Ariana’s first day of workout training with TOTAL Workout, which is owned by Kevin Yamazaki, the famous trainer of some of Japan’s biggest names in sports and showbizness. Mr. Yamazaki was present on the very important first day to supervise the overall workout plan, together with personal trainer Tomo Ikezawa, who will be the main person in charge for Ariana en route to the 64th Miss Universe Pageant, to be held later this year.
After the workout we were given the time to interview both Ariana and her personal trainer who cordially answered all of our questions.
Missosology: After the MUJ pageant, what sort of preparation have you been doing so far?
Ariana : “As of now we are trying to achieve the ideal body proportion through dynamic movements and athletic training.”
During the Miss Universe pageant, it is a common knowledge that no matter how much you prepare in your country, by the time you reach the host country the stress due to pressure and lack of sleep will start to take it’s toll on the delegate. Have you thought about this?
Ariana: “The fact that I’ll be going alone, I will be trained to develop self control as well as ways to manage my personal workout on my own.”
What about managing your diet?
Ariana: “We have a so-called diet plan and I can use my smartphone to monitor my diet intake so there will be no changes in my body proportion.”

We are interested with the TOTAL Workout drink that you’re taking, what is it?
Ikezawa: “This is a drink that was developed by doctors through collaborative research. It contains ingredients that will help burn fats easily and increase metabolism. It’s good for shaping up.”
Ariana: “I will definitely bring this during Miss Universe.”
Is there any part of your body that you wish to improve from now?
Ariana: “I certainly want to improve my buttocks.”
Ikezawa: “I agree. “
What do you think is your best physical asset?
Ariana: “Miss Universe’s slogan is “Confidently Beautiful”, and I am confident with long legs that I got from my father. But overall, I just really want to show my true best self.”
What will be your keyword (or weapon) for the world finals?
Ariana: “Magnetic facial expression!”
To Ikezawa-san, where do you really want to focus as far Ariana’s training is concerned?
Ikezawa: “In time, I want to be able to see a better version of Ariana while simply letting her to be herself.”
How often is the regular training?
Ikezawa: “As of now, she will be training twice a week. A few weeks before the finals, we will train three to four times a week, one and a half hour per day. Aside from that, she will also undergo yoga, pilates and specialized training in preparation for the world finals. I will be the main person supervising her progress.”
Right now, what is the most important job for you?
Ikezawa: “For Ariana to have total self-confidence. “

In behalf of Missosology, we would like to thank Mr. Osamu Sakata for inviting us to undergo this interview, to the TOTAL Workout staff in Roponggi Hills headed by Mr,. Kevin Yamazaki and Ms. Tomo Ikezawa for accommodating us. And most importantly, to Ariana Miyamoto for graciously receiving us with all smiles despite just finishing her workout and even with no make up! She is definitely a stunner!
Hero, 最短で最大の結果を出す
池澤 (パーソナルトレーナー): 「医者と共同開発したというこちらの水は代謝機能をより高め、脂肪燃焼を強力にサポート、健康で美しいカラダへと導いてくれます。」
宮本: 「私は世界大会にもこの水を持参します!」
池澤: 「賛成です。」
宮本: 「ミス・ユニバースのスローガンはconfidently beautiful、生まれ持った骨格(父も足が長い)をアピールし自分らしさを表現します。」
宮本: 「ずばり表現力です。」
池澤: 「宮本さんを今より良くすること、そして彼女らしさにこだわりを持たせたい。」
池澤: 「トレーニングは週2回。大会前は3、4回行います。既にプログラムがあり、1回約1時間半のトレーニングでは本人が頭で考えることを大事にしています。ヨガ・ピラティスなども行いますが、多くのトレーニングを専属のトレーナー(一人)が担当しています。」
池澤: 「彼女(宮本さん)に自信を作ることです。」
この日は代表のケビン山崎さんもトレーニングの指導に加わり、宮本さんに質の高いトレーニングを提供しました。 ミス・ユニバース(世界大会)はアスリートの出身が多く、心と体の勝負になりそうだ。今プレッシャーを強く感じ、大会では少なくしていきたい。「Look inside you and be strong And you’ll finally see the truth That a hero lies in you」 宮本エリアナさん(Hero)が 最短で最大の結果を出す。
取材・文/Stephen Diaz・伊勢翔太
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