Monthly Archives: August 2014

    Kaci Fennel (photo at right), 21 years old and 5'9", won the Miss Universe Jamaica 2014 crown and created a stir among pageant observers...

  Alejandra Villafañe Osorio, a 5'8" beauty who represented Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta won the Miss Tierra Colombia 2014 crown. The pageant was...

  Hio Man Chan was crowned as the new queen and she will represent Macau in this year’s Miss International Beauty Pageant to be...

  Complete results of Miss World Malaysia 2014 pageant Winner: Dewi Liana 1st Runner-Up: Bob Low 2nd Runner-Up: Cassandra Devi Jeremiah 3rd Runner-Up: Dhivya Dhyana 4th Runner-Up: Olivia Shyan   The winner...

  Abena Appiah, a 21 year old student who loves to play the guitar and sing, beat 9 other contestants in a pageant held...

The 2014 contestants of Miss Universe China. Who is your favorite? 2014 环球小姐中国区大赛参赛佳丽 谁是你的最爱?  

The contestants of the Miss Universe China 2014 are currently in Sri Lanka for a pre-tour that started in August 26 and will run...

    Miss Derry Justine McEleney is the new Miss Earth Northern Ireland. The 5'10" beauty will represent Northern Ireland at the Miss Earth 2014 beauty...

  The slow, painful and agonizing death of Australia’s momentum at Miss Universe It was once remarked that with the victory of Jennifer Hawkins in 2004,...

Myanmar, once a reclusive nation crippled with US-led sanctions thanks to its poor human rights record, is currently experiencing a renaissance. The is a...

In 2013 edition of Miss Universe, something is conspicuously absent. They used to be there bringing the much needed noise and colors for the...

2014年中華民國小姐 陳冠璉(Kuan Lien Chen ) 獲得2014中華民國小姐冠軍、及最佳泳裝獎。今年畢業於國立台北藝術大學音樂學研究所碩士班,主要研究為臨床音樂治療,曾學習木笛、鋼琴、爵士鼓等樂器。喜愛古典樂紮下的藝術根基,但也熱愛搖滾流行或跨界音樂。 自幼學習音樂,但對於各領域活動也充滿興趣與熱忱,閒暇之餘喜愛觀賞各項體育賽事或是電影欣賞及閱讀;求學期間曾參與典禮主持、親善大使、朗讀比賽、大型音樂展演、醫院志工等經驗,從動靜態經歷中拓展視野,培養自信心。樂觀正向用笑容面對每一天。