Snwazna Adams, smart, bubbly and sassy will represent the tiny island of Turks and Caicos in the upcoming Miss Universe 2013 pageant. Here she talks with Missosology and gave a special and exclusive video interview.


1. Who do you think is the sexiest man alive?


Choosing the sexiest man alive is a bit impossible… There are so many and I’m sure my boyfriend would love for me to say he is the sexiest man alive. Other than the man in my life however, I would have to say that I find Boris Kodjoe very sexy, especially his sultry accent and his amazing body.


2. Who is your all-time favorite Miss Universe, why?


There were so many great Miss Universe title holders that have done so much for a variety of social causes during their reign. If I had to choose one that stood out to me, I would have to say, Wendy Fitzwilliam crowned Miss Universe 1998. She captivated so many people with her elegance, poise and intellect and her dedication to her platform HIV/AIDS really showed that she was not only a beauty queen but a queen with a cause. The way Wendy used her title to springboard her non-profit organization; The Hibiscus Foundation back in her native land, Trinidad and Tobago, motivates me to develop a plan to implement my own non-profit focused on education in the Turks and Caicos Islands in the near future. It would be a dream to do that during a reign as Miss Universe!


3. What is the most difficult thing you did to prepare for the Miss Universe pageant? Why did you do that?


As cliché as it sounds, I love food! The hardest thing that I’ve had to do during my preparation is watching what I eat. On Sundays, it is a tradition in my family to cook a large dinner with no calories spared, especially my favorite dish, buds and rice, sweet plantain, baked Mac n’ cheese and fried grouper; Yum! Sadly I know that in a few short months I will be competing on the international stage in a two-piece bathing suit against some of the fiercest ladies in the world and I intend on maintaining the svelte physique that won me the Miss Universe Turks and Caicos Pageant.


4. What has been the biggest disappointment in your life and how did you deal with it?


I would have to say the biggest disappointment in my life would be the fact that I lost my father before he could walk me down the aisle whenever I get married. My father passed back in 2011 and I’m still dealing with the pain and heartache. I miss his smile and his kind heart and being a daddy’s girl, it would have been a dream come true to have him officially asked for my hand in marriage and walk me down the aisle.


5. Describe your fashion sense and style.   I don’t really have one particular style. I love experimenting with color and patterns. Being a school teacher, I try to be as fashionable and practical in my style choices as possible. My students seem too really like how I dress and I think— kids are your biggest critics so I think my fashion sense is pretty good!


6. What does loving a boyfriend mean to you?   To me loving someone is in the little things, the things that are intangible. Knowing each other’s flaws and loving the other person even more for those things that are weird or not understood by individuals looking in on the relationship. Love should be selfless and when in love you should care for the other person’s well-being more than your own. It’s devoting your time, talents and energy to building a bond that is unbreakable. Love can also be hard, it can take you to your lowest point at times but there are also those special moments where you feel like the luckiest woman in the world!


7. Any beauty secrets that you would like to share the readers of Missosology?


Well one little trick I learned to achieve that flawless glow is, taking coffee grinds from what you drink in the morning, rub it over your skin and leave it there for 3-5 minutes and then wash it off your skin will look amazing! But shhhhh! It’s our little secret!


8. Tell us about the most beautiful place in your country.


There are so many to choose from, but I truly think that some of the most beautiful places in the Turks and Caicos Islands are the areas that have somewhat remained untouched by man. Mudjin Harbor on the Island of Middle Caicos in my opinion has serenity and natural beauty that truly makes it look as if it was truly frozen in time. There are about 3 to 5 different shades of blue that makes up the exquisite waters. The sands on the beach are the softest shades of pink and white and the beach is covered with plush, green fauna indigenous to the Turks and Caicos Islands. The water is crystal clear and while swimming the fish will sometimes tag along as if they are taking you on a tour. There is a Cay in the shape of a Dragon that you can walk to from the beach when tide is low and if the beautiful sunshine is too hot, you can seek shelter in our shore side caves, which also give a glimpse into the history our Lucian Indian ancestry. This place is truly heaven on earth!


9. Tell us about your mantra or secret to success.


My secrets to success are simple; humility and dedication. I am a firm believer in, “nothing ventured, nothing gained”, if you want something, you have to be determined to achieve it no matter how many times you fail. In your pursuit of success however, you must always remain humble and I find a simple trick to doing that is keeping people around you that will genuinely let you know when you are getting a little big headed. My mom, sister and boyfriend do that for me daily.


10. When was the last time you cried? Why?


As a teacher you have students with so much potential but sometimes you can tell that their trouble at home is too much to bear and you can see them slipping away are beginning to give up on life. I recently had a conversation with one of my students who expressed the hardships she was experiencing at home. Coming from a single family home, her mother could not afford textbooks or money for lunch for her and her brothers and sisters. She also expressed the lack of a father figure in her home and spoke of the men her mother would invite around the house. Her story really struck my heart when she told me about being molested several times by friends or boyfriends of her mother. I immediately began to cry, because no child should be robbed of their youth, and a child should never have to deal with situations like this. Unfortunately, this is a far too common story in the school system, many children suffer from poverty, and compound issues like molestation and broken a broken sense of self-worth can really destroy a child’s hope and dreams. This is why when I graduated with my Masters of Science degree I moved back home to the Turks and Caicos in hopes of making a difference in the educational system. I also provide an open floor for discussion with my students, so that I can help them achieve their full potential, and provide advice and assistance with issues just like this one.


11. What do you like to do for fun with friends?


I’m a bit of a tomboy; so anything that allows me to get my hands dirty, and I’m an Island girl at heart so, taking a boat ride, snorkeling or diving for conch, or just going to the beach is tons of fun for me and my friends.


12. Miss Universe Organization now allows transgenders to compete in their pageant system what’s your take on this?


Sexual Orientation is not a choice, nor is it a disease or mental condition. I genuinely feel that a person should have the right to choose to be who they are inside without fear of being criticized or ostracized by society. I acknowledge transgendered women as women, and would gladly compete in a competition with one of these lovely, fearless ladies. I commend the Miss Universe Organization for embracing this demographic of extraordinary women into its pageant system.


13. What would you say to someone who thinks you’re not qualified or pretty enough to represent your country in Miss Universe?


Beauty is much deeper than the superficial, true beauty in my opinion comes from within. At the end of the day, a beautiful face and an ugly personality is still ugly. Miss Universe should be a woman that possesses both inner and outer beauty. She must have a vibrant personality, a humble spirit and desire to use her title to impact change in some way to real serious global issues. If that is the definition we are using to describe the next Miss Universe then I am more than qualified.


14. What qualities do you feel you have that would make you a great Miss Universe?


In order to be a great Miss Universe you first and foremost must have a magnetic personality. You should be fun, approachable and exude confidence, poise and elegance at all times. Miss Universe should be well versed in various cultures and should be willing to embrace cultural diversity and work towards using her title to unite different cultures. A great Miss Universe should be selfless, a humanitarian and impact the lives of persons who she encounters. I feel that I possess all of these qualities and I constantly look for ways to strengthen them.