

Succumbing to the pressure, Miss Universe Thailand 2014 Weluree “Fai” Ditsayabut, tearfully relinquished her title in a press briefing held in June 9.


“I also want to thank the people who made comments about me, both good and bad ones, through the media,” said the 22-year-old actress and former host of the teen television show Strawberry Cheesecake.


Weluree was under fire after she posted incendiary comments calling for the supporters of ousted Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra to be executed. She also earned the ire of the vibrant community of Thai beauty pageant fanatics calling her unfit to represent the country. Her physical appearance was routinely ridiculed online.


“At first, my family was happy for me when I was crowned. But there’s no more happiness following waves of criticism from the society,” Fai said. Her mother reportedly had trouble sleeping at nights since her victory.


Thailand boasts two Miss Universe crowns but recently had some trouble landing in the semis. The resignation of Weluree has been hailed by netizens but no official statement was issued by the Miss Universe Thailand organization as of the press time.


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