Klaudia Parsberg is the new Miss Earth Denmark 2016! The original titleholder, Alexandria Eissinger, resigned earlier due to conflict of schedule.  READ Alexandria Eissinger, Miss Earth Denmark 2016, resigns

Klaudia Parsberg is the first princess during the 2015 Face of Denmark competition and she will now represent Denmark in the Miss Earth 2016 competition which will be held on October 29, 2016 in the Philippines. She was crowned by Anders de Vos, National Director of Face of Denmark Organization.

Denmark holds the distinction of being the first nation to win the Miss Earth crown. Denmark is currently ranked 31st at the Big4 Ranking. The ranking, which will be renamed as Big5 by the end of the year, gauges the strength of each nation at the major international pageants. CLICK HERE FOR MORE


Photos provided by Jesse Ambrosio/Missosology-Scandinavia