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Tag: miss universo

  ¿Acaso fue culpa del vestido? / Is the gown to be blamed? Miss Venezuela Universo - Mariana Jiménez fue aclamada como una de las grandes...

The last South East Asian to win the Miss Universe title was Porntip Nakhirunkanok - Miss Universe 1988 from Thailand - and interestingly, the...

  Gladys Brandao, a model, actress, and a dancer, won the coveted Miss Universo Panamá 2015 crown in a pageant held last night, August 24,...

Miss Universe 1965 Apasra Hongsakula: 50th crowning anniversary This month marks the golden anniversary of Apasra Hongsakula's crowning as the 1st Miss Universe from Thailand. She...

Beauty Talks with Liesl Laurie - Miss South Africa 2015   Liesl Laurie has a tough task to accomplish. As Miss South Africa 2015, she...

Paulina Brodd is Miss Universe Sweden 2015 Paulina Brodd, daughter of Miss Universe 1990 and Miss Universe 1990 semifinalist Monica Brodd, won the Miss Universe...

escrito por Javier Vidal/Missosology Venezuela   Venezuela es conocido mundialmente por ser el “país de la belleza” y de “las mujeres más bellas”, por las múltiples...

Miss Universo 2013, Gabriela Isler asiste al proyecto de resolución de jóvenes líderes ahora la cena 2015, el premio 2015 de Mayo de 12,...

Después de semanas de rumores, el "Zar de la belleza" aclaró la situación a través de un comunicado de prensa. Comunicado de Prensa http://www.missvenezuela.com/noticias/Default.aspx Osmel Sousa no...

  MISS UNIVERSE PAGEANT: If only she was there... "I’m back in Mexico with my thoughts clear, my mind calm yet my heart on fire; I...

Representing O'Higgins, the 18 year old beauty Helen Toncio won the Miss Universo Chile 2014 crown and will represent her country come January 25,...

  Señorita Sucre Ariadna Gutiérrez won the title of Señorita Colombia 2015-2016 in a pageant held on November 17, 2014. She will compete at the...