Tags Posts tagged with "Miss Mondo Italia"

Tag: Miss Mondo Italia

The southern Italian town of Gallipoli in the region of Puglia witnessed the crowning of Rebecca Arnone who hails from far north....

Claudia Motta was crowned Miss Mondo Italia 2021 during the finals held September 26. The 21-year-old law student and...

Adele Sammartino, representing Campania, was crowned Miss Mondo Italia 2019 during the finals held June 15 at Teatro Italia in Gallipoli.

A 21-year-old law student from Naples was crowned the new Miss Mondo Italia on June 10 at the Teatro Italia Gallipoli. Nunzia Amato edged out...

Miss World Italy 2017 has just been concluded! The winner is Conny Notarstefano and she is officially bestowed with the title Miss Mondo Italia 2017. Conny...

Greta Galassi won the Miss Mondo Italia 2015 crown and will soon represent Italy at the Miss World 2015 finals which will be held...