Tags Posts tagged with "Hinarere Taputu"

Tag: Hinarere Taputu

Meet the Top 20 beauties vying for the Timeless Beauty 2015 title! With the help of Missosology's in-house pageant and beauty experts, from the...

  Hinarere Taputu, Miss Tahiti 2014 and first runner-up to Miss France pageant, is the new Miss World France. This was announced by Miss France president...

18-year-old Vaimiti Teiefitu reigned supreme at a rain-drenched coronation spectacle, as she bested nine other finalists to become Miss Tahiti 2015.  She is now the official...

  Pour la troisième année consécutive, Miss Tahiti est arrivée à la deuxième place samedi du concours Miss France. Après Hinarani de Longeaux, battue par Marine...