Sigrún Eva Ármannsdóttir


Less than two months to go and the Miss International 2013 pageant will kick off in one of the most exciting cities on earth, TOKYO!  There are around 70 delegates from all over the world who are expected to arrive, and one of the countries that will come back as a participant for this annual pageant is from a land far,far away: Iceland (Big 4 Rank: 36th).

This year, the captivating “daughter of Armman”, Sigrún Eva, will fly all the way from the opposite hemisphere, to represent her mystical country, famed for their extreme climate, volcanoes and geysers.  Two years after first competing at the Miss World pageant in London, she is now more prepared than ever. Let’s get to know more about this tall and gorgeous beauty.

Sigrun models for Bonni


“Like mother, like daughter.”
Sigrun with her beautiful mom, Margrét

1. Please tell us about yourself, your family and your ambition in life.
Well, my name is Sigrún Eva Ármannsdóttir and I come from the extraordinary country Iceland. I Just turned 20 years old on the 10th of may and stands 183 cm (6’0) in the air, very proud to be a tall person by the way! I was born and raised in a small town right outside the capital of Iceland called Akranes. I’m currently living with my parents Margrét and Ármann, my labrador dog Tinna and a cat. I have an amazing brother as well, his name is Haukur and he’s the person I look up to the most. In the coming year I hope to start studying medicine, nursing or volcanology. I haven’t really decided on what I want to do yet but it will all be sorted out when the day comes. Until then I would like to model and travel around the world. I wouldn’t say that I’m shy but I do have a calm personality, although I’m pretty funny and outgoing at times. Today I’m just living life to the fullest, learning about different cultures and traveling, and I am so excited for going to Japan since the culture there is so different from ours!

Typical Icelandic Turf House.
“A lot of people in Iceland believe in elves…”

2. Tell us something about a typical childhood in Iceland, based on your personal experience.
I had the best childhood, very relaxed and loving. 4×4 Jeep trips all year long where we explored every inch of Iceland, every single volcano, mountain and glacier. I have some great memories from that time. I remember going with my friend as a kid to the nearest mountain and climbing it, and just made it back for dinner, where we could hear my mom yelling “DIIINNNEEER” in the distance from the doorsteps of our house. A lot of people in Iceland believe in the so called “huldufólk” or elves. I remember being terrified to run into one, since the stories say that they will try to lure you down into their home and trap you there forever.

3. If we were to visit Iceland anytime in the future, where shall we go, and what do you recommend us to do?
You have to go the golden circle for sure, where you can see beautiful landscape, one of our famous geysers and waterfalls. But the best way to enjoy Iceland to the fullest is to know a local who can take you to all the best places. Don’t get the wrong idea about the size of Iceland despite the population being only around 400,000. Iceland is actually pretty large so don’t think you can just walk around and see everything it has to offer.

Eyjafjallajökull Eruption in 2010.
“We we were at our summerhouse when this photo was taken.”


“Miss Iceland helped me a lot to burst out of my shell…”

4. For a small country like Iceland, you’ve been very successful, so far, in winning three Miss World crowns and one Miss International title. Are beauty pageants well-received in your country?
Well received and not well received. There are most definitely people that don’t like the Miss Iceland pageant and see it as a bad thing and are creating gossip about the girls being no brains and nothing but spray tan, makeup and push up bras. This saddens me that people think of me that way, but once people meet me in person they get a totally different side of it. Miss Iceland helped me a lot. I was able to burst out of my shell, I was so shy and insecure and Miss Iceland brought me the confidence I so badly needed. Before the competition I couldn’t even talk to people face to face but now it’s a totally different story. And overall it has been an amazing journey that I will never forget.

5. After nine years, Iceland is back at Miss International. Aside from representing your country, and winning the title, what else do you wish to accomplish in Japan during the 11-day pageant?
Try and bring back the likeness of Miss Iceland again, and show people that it’s not just about looks but grace, personality and how good of a role model you are. And of course, see as much of Japan as I can. I’ve been doing a lot of research on Japan and I can safely say that it’s my number one country to visit!

6. Do you have any particular expectation or thing that you want to see or experience in Tokyo? Please share it to us…
Harajuku for sure, and see the amazing and different fashion. I would like to see some landscape and nature as well since I’ve heard that it’s much like the landscape in Iceland only covered in vegetation, and of course, make new friends.

In Malabo, Equatorial Guinea

7. Finally, why do you think you should be the next Miss International?
I believe I’m a good role model for younger girls and down to earth, I’m a healthy person I don’t drink nor smoke. I would love to give something back and introduce people to Iceland and it’s culture. Show people that beauty pageants is not just about being beautiful but being genuine and true to who you are, being not only beautiful on the outside but on the inside as well.