by Misso MissEarthClub
The recent post of Miss Earth in its official Facebook page shows how the organization is trying to dispel the rumors. While the food “problem” spread like wildfire in the social media, Miss Earth did not issue any statement directly addressing the accusations and allegations.
Of course, we all know by now that Christine Huang, the National Director from Taiwan, started it all by posting in her Facebook account that her candidate is starving in Vienna. Perhaps in an attempt not to stoop low, Miss Earth posted the food served during the press presentation yesterday. The post proudly stated that the food served was a “sumptuous buffet meal”.
Missosology have learned that the complaints were largely about lunch and dinner. Breakfast is okay as it is from the hotel’s buffet. After all, Hilton is one of the recognized hospitality brand in the world. Come lunch and dinner, the food quality did not please many candidates.
But there are conflicting reports. Some National Directors claimed that their girls have no problem with the food at all. One said that there was problem with the food in rare occasions and that’s during lunch and dinner. But some National Directors said that they are now providing food for the contestants at the their own expense!
Whatever the case maybe, it is the responsibility of the organizing committee to ensure that the candidates are reasonably fed. Of course, there are always complaints in every pageant. Every Big4 pageant will always get complaints from few contestants be it about food, attitude of other candidates, stressful schedules etc. Miss Earth should have avoided these issues in the first place as it is currently celebrating its Crystal Year. However, it has the responsibility to listen to legit concerns and address them properly.
Meanwhile, National Directors should exercise professionalism when facing a problem. Posting problems on Facebook will not address any issue. It is an obvious case of sensationalism which one could lead to believe that there are other agenda behind it all. National Directors should have a recourse when problems arise but it is something that links the NDs to the highest level of management of the pageant and not through posts on social media.
The bottom line is that the ladies participating in any pageant should be taken care of – their security, well-being and welfare. If not, this will only reinforce the feminist’s wrong notion that pageantry is all about the exploitation of women. Pageantry should be about celebrating and cherishing the beauty of a woman and any beauty pageant has that burden to keep it that way.
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