trumpNo one in his or her right mind would ever take Donald Trump’s run for the White House seriously. For the Republican party, they’d wish he will disappear and stop talking. Even Karl Rove, the guy responsible for former President George W. Bush’s campaign, don’t believe that Trump will really run for the presidency as Trump is yet to file his candidacy. For the Democrats, Trump is a welcome nuisance candidate that could push the Republican side towards the further right thus alienating the swing voters.

But whether Trump will run for presidency or not is not the issue for the pageantry world. The owner of the Miss Universe pageant recently spewed vitriol and hurled hate towards the southern neighbor of the United States prompting uproar and a threat from Mexico to boycott the next edition of Miss Universe. Trump labelled the Mexicans as rapists and drug traffickers. “They’re bringing drugs. They are bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people,” Trump said in his remarks on June 16 in New York. He also vowed to build a wall along the US-Mexican border and will have Mexico pay for it.

Donald Trump’s statement is a hate statement and his conduct is unbecoming for a pageant owner. It puts a huge question mark to his integrity and also to the integrity of all organizations that he owns and manage. The threat of Lupita Jones, the Mexican national director, to boycott the next edition of Miss Universe will have a domino effect among the Latin American countries. Miss Universe 1996 Alicia Machado already called Donald Trump an imbecile. Meanwhile, Miss Universe 2010 Ximena Navarrete offered some explanations by saying that Trump’s hatred stemmed from his spat with a Mexican businessman.


Donald Trump has been an object of ridicule in the United States. His pompous attitude and ridiculous ideas has been a fodder among comedians and political analysts. If he continues to act like a circus monkey, the reputation of Miss Universe as a pageant will be at risk. While Paula Shugart, the President of Miss Universe Organization, has a way more civilized personality, it is now difficult to disassociate Trump from Miss Universe.

Truly, if Mexico boycotts the Miss Universe 2015 pageant, it is very likely that the rest of Latin America will follow suit. In light of Trump’s hateful comments, Jorge Ramos, a prominent Latino journalist in the United States, challenged Trump to “try running his business without Mexicans for a day”. If Trump will not put brakes to his hateful tirades, he will soon find himself trying to run Miss Universe without the Latinas.


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