Yurika Nakamoto, a 23-year-old volleyball player and model from Okinawa, Japan’s only sub-tropical prefecture, wins the Miss Supranational Japan 2018 title.  She bested 28 other delegates from all over Japan who vied for the crown.  The pageant was held in Tokyo for the very first time.
Adjudged as Miss Asia Pacific Japan 2018 is Momoe Yada (20) who represented Kanagawa, while the bet of Higashi Tokyo, Haruka Komagata (26) was crowned Miss Continentes Unidos Japon 2018.  1st Runner-up was Miss Osaka, Yuho Ohtomo, and 2nd Runner-up was Miss Ibaraki, Nanami Tomita.

Magician Cyril and TV commercial model Dante Carver were among of the judges, which was headed by Miss Supranational 2017, Jenny Kim of Korea.

The full-packed event was sponsored by Liberalis Jewelry Shop, Ebisu Beauty Clinic, Shimada Chiaki Make-up Academy and Lycee Glamorous.