Vaimalama Chaves has no plans of participating in either Miss Universe or Miss World, the reigning Miss France announced in a video posted June 25 on the pageant’s social media pages.

The decision has nothing to do with “anyone,” Chaves said.

“As you must know, the girls will come to prepare for Tahiti and I can not not be there. To live the life you want to have, you have to know how to give up what you do not want. And I want to be here. So here, I choose Polynesia at the expense of Miss Universe or Miss World whatever the date on which it will take place, ” she added.

The winner of Miss France traditionally participates in Miss Universe, Miss World, or both (depending on the dates of both competitions). The organization is expected to appoint its runners-up or former queens as representatives to the two Big5 pageants. Missosology.Org

#MissFranceActu : Vaimalama Chaves Miss France 2019 a un petit message pour vous 🤗 Miss Univers ou Miss Monde? 👑

Posted by Miss France on Tuesday, 25 June 2019