Throngs of flag waving South Africans greeting Miss Supranational 2022 Lalela Mswane when she landed in Johhanesburg’s main airport O.R. Tambo. She arrived Friday morning, July 29th at around 8 a.m. after spending two weeks in Poland. Lalela is the first ever South African and first black woman to win the prestigious crown and title.

“Being in Poland for the past fortnight, ahead of my return to Johannesburg, gave me a chance to let everything sink in. I am grateful and share the crown with everyone in this country,” she said. “I am the first black woman to have won the title – what a time to be alive. It’s been a big week for women following the Banyana Banyana win and return home. I am filled with national pride,” she continued.

A press conference was held after her arrival where she entertained questions from the members of the media. After her homecoming, Lalela is expected to travel around the world as part of her duties as Miss Supranational.