Miss Supranational 2017 Stage: Bigger, Better, Brighter!!!
Krynica-Zdroj – Perhaps, it is the largest built-in pageant stage that I have ever seen in my entire life! Believing that the 2012 Okinawa edition of Miss International was the largest that I had seen, my first ever visit to Poland for the Miss Supranational finals has just erased that record!
This year, the 9th edition of Miss Supranational promises to be bigger and better, with a stage that is humongous, you can fit eight bungalow houses inside!
“We made the stage bigger and the elevation quite higher compared to last year,” said Nowa Scena president Gerhard Parzutka von Lipinski, the producer of the annual Festival of Beauties. “With three pageant shows in a row, it will be worth it,” he added.

To be staged at the Hala Lodowa, which basically functions as an ice hockey and ice skating rink during winter season, the Miss Supranational stage is 23 meters long at its maximum point. LED panels were also installed along the edges, which makes a perfect illusion of a floating stage, lit by bright lights and projection mapping. To complete such ambitious stage design, there will be huge laser projection boards, which we have never seen on a pageant stage before.
The tables and chairs for the VIP and guests are already arranged accordingly at this point, which gave me a preview on how the live audience can actually see the show. With seven board panels, anyone on the floor area can clearly see the high definition video projection on stage!
“Actually, below the floor area is ice, because this is a winter sports arena. We are technically floating on ice. We just covered it with this (referring to the thick carpet). Engineering and technology keep us afloat, while the temperature is being regulated,” Lipinski added with a smile.
During the “Festival of Beauties” the stage will not be solely used by Miss Supranational alone, which will be held on December 1st. A day later, the Mister Supranational 2017 finals will be using the same stage, while on Sunday, December 3rd, the Miss Polski 2017 competition will continue to utilize the same venue.
Polsat Channel is the official broadcaster of the Festival of Beauties. Those who are not in Poland can view the shows via livestream, through the official Miss Supranational Facebook and YouTube accounts. Fox Asia will also be streaming the Miss Supranational 2017 finals on your local cable channels. Missosology will be updating our website real time, as well as our Facebook, Instagram and Twitter accounts. /Stephen I. Diaz