Miss Norway Organization is searching for its representative for major international beauty pageants. Finally, after a year of waiting, the moment has arrived. The Miss Norway team is proud to present all the highly skilled and motivated finalists. The girls have been through interviews and training, but they still have 3 months of hard work, training on high heels and participating in activities, until the jury will give their judgement.
Miss Norway Organization has been recognized for its innovative point system which allows all participants to compete for a spot to represent their country in the international pageants in equal terms, allowing them to showcase talent, skills set, grace and charm, of the Norwegian women.
Eight gorgeous ladies will have a shot for their dream, becoming Miss Norway 2018 and winning the right of vying for the title of Miss Universe 2018 or Miss World 2018, both to be held in China.
Our two reigning queens, Kaja Kojan and Celine Herregården will crown their successors on July 28, 2018 Oslo, Norway.
Last year, the delegates were treated like royalty and Miss Norway Organization’s social media presence, sponsorship and determination to produce a pageant of the highest quality set the bar high for all the other pageants in the Nordic countries. We are sure that this year’s finale promises to be a real blast with enormous local support.
Meet the lucky finalists!

Photo Credits: Miss Norway Organization