Three more nights to go, and we will be witnessing the crowning of the new Miss International. The 2015 queen will be wearing the new pearl crown, exclusively produced by Mikimoto, the world’s leading producer of cultivated pearls. Who are leading delegates who are battling for the crown?
The Leader

Several steps up, and is now the current leader, is the undeniably beautiful and sensational Mexican delegate, Lorena Sevilla, who is very determined to win the 3rd MI crown for Mexico. When last year’s Vianey Vazquez was unjustifyingly denied of a Top 5 placement, despite doing almost everything right, here comes Lorena as a great follow up. What is rather more interesting about Lorena is fact that she has an emotional story to back her up. Being a victim of a near fatal accident that almost killed her fours years ago, it is a blessing to have Lorena survive that ordeal, and we got the chance to see her compete in Tokyo. The fact that she is standing and breathing – alive and well – in Japan is a miracle, and for that, she never fails to thank the gift of life that God has given her. If she wins on Thursday, it will not just be a victory for Mexico, but a victory for life itself. Many Missosology followers and fans love Lorena, and she is one of those who is consistently mentioned among the favorites’ lists.
The rest of the Top 5
Also climbing up the ladder is Brazil‘s Isis Stocco. As the days pass by, many believers of Isis are getting more convinced that she is the complete package – beautiful face, great personality and is fluent in English – and will put Brazil back into the winners’ circle in Miss International. In the past years, Brazil’s major deficiency at MI is their delegate’s inability to speak in English, but Isis has a good command of English, and is very conversant during social gatherings. With Rio de Janeiro as the host of next year’s Olympics, it will perfect to have a Brazilian beauty queen holding one of the most significant and historical BIG 4 crowns.
In third place is Hungary‘s Linda Szunai, who was the leader at the previous hot pick. It can’t be denied that Linda is the strongest among the Europeans this year. Last summer, her appointment as Miss International Hungary 2015 was very much welcomed by pageant fans, and she certainly did not disappoint her fans when she arrived in Tokyo. Armed with the determination to give Hungary their first ever BIG 4 crown, Linda is very focused to make a strong impact to the judges and at the same time, to be able to give a more positive impression about her country, whose image has been stained by the refugee crisis in Europe just recently.
Kenya‘s Eunice Onyango is surprisingly in fourth place right now, thanks to those who have been following and supporting her since she arrived in Japan. Her TV appearance has certainly boosted her chances, and her unconventional hairstyle has made a lasting impact among the local media. This top model is a rare find, so Miss International must not ignore her. She is also very intelligent and a great spokesperson, so if majority of the judges could only gauge real beauty with no bias against colored women, Eunice has a strong chance of winning the crown, which will be Africa’s first ever. If that happens, it will be major celebration!
Lindsay Becker of the United States is still holding strong and has kept her Top 5 placement for the third straight hot pick. Never underestimate Lindsay. The best is yet to come from this Minnesota native. She is making waves in Tokyo, with her beautiful blonde hair and friendly smile. If you ask an average Japanese, Lindsay’s look is what we call a stereotypical “American Beauty”. A blonde Miss “America” is long overdue, and looks like we will be seeing the USA back in the winners’ circle through Lindsay.
6th to 10th Place
Venezuela‘s Edymar Martinez, the queen of Instagram, is in sixth place, followed by Honduras‘ Jennifer Valle who went down to seventh place. These two are still hot favorites to win the crown despite being out of the current Top 5. Next is Janicel Lubina of the Philippines who has hits and some “misses” especially with her choice of wardrobes. Her fans are hoping to have that corrected before it’s too late. In ninth place, and relatively new in the Top 10, is Canada‘s Kathryn Kohut, with whom we believe, has impressed the preliminary interview judges. This woman can TALK! And if MI is serious in choosing a perfect spokesperson for the organization, then, Kathryn has to be part of the Top 5! And in 10th place is Ecuador‘s Daniela Armijos. Daniela is definitely crown worthy, but somehow, there is something missing on her that we just can’t explain. In person, she is one of the most stunning delegates this year, and is very friendly too so we are confident that she will bring back Ecuador into the semifinals.
11th to 15th Place
Host delegate Arisa Nakagawa of Japan is getting more and more support from the Japanese public, due to the fact that this year’s MI has been receiving a lot of publicity from the media as well as local TV stations. Meanwhile Denmark and Spain are keeping the hopes of Europe alive, and they are in 12th and 13th place respectively. One European delegate had quit the pageant and exposed some nasty yet debatable allegations against MIO, so all eyes are now on Europe if they can negate those accusations, and prove that they are there to serve as ambassadors of peace and goodwill. We really admire Spain for her courage and strength, despite having serious bouts against allergy, she would never fail to attend all activities with a smile on her face! Also, the very charming Macau is not losing her steam and we believe that she is one of the strongest from Asia. And our resident cop, New Zealand, completes the list at 15th place. She is “women empowerment” personified!
Bubbling up…
For the first time, we are seeing Dominican Republic in our list. She is the tallest delegate this year and has been a head turner wherever she goes. Zambia is also new in the list, and we can’t just miss her for being such a good sport! Despite burning her right leg due to an accident with her hair iron, she was still game for a swimsuit pictorial, which many delegates refused to join. Thailand, we believe, is never to be forgotten. She is the delegate whose national director paid the highest franchise fee, and is the only one who was crowned by the reigning queen, Valerie Hernandez. Whether in good or bad “hair” days, she will be recognized in the finals. The superstar from Vietnam is in 19th spot, while the Zuleika Riviera look-alike from Luxembourg is slowly gaining attention from our radar, and holds the 20th spot.
6th Official Hot Picks
1. MEXICO(Lorena Sevilla)
2. BRAZIL (Isis Stocco)
3. HUNGARY (Linda Szunai)
4. KENYA (Eunice Onyango)
5. USA (Lindsay Becker)
6. VENEZUELA (Edymar Martinez)
7. HONDURAS (Jennifer Valle)
8. PHILIPPINES (Janicel Lubina)
9. CANADA (Kathryn Kohut)
10. ECUADOR (Daniela Armijos)
11. JAPAN (Arisa Nakagawa)
12. DENMARK (Mette Riis Sørensen)
13. SPAIN (Christina Silva Cano)
14. MACAU (Ana Choi)
15. NEW ZEALAND (Hayley Rose Coombe)
Bubbling up:
16. DOMINICAN REP (Irina Peguero)
17. ZAMBIA (Brandina Lubuli)
18. THAILAND (Sasi Sintawee)
19. VIETNAM (Phạm Hồng Thúy Vân)
20. LUXEMBOURG (Natascha Bintz)
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