Already a celebrity in Britain, Amy Willerton is surprisingly grounded and can easily establish a good rapport to the people around her. Such qualities of Amy will enable her to shine at Miss Universe including of course her stunning looks and a vavavoom curvaceous body. Here, Amy talks with Missosology.



1. Who do you think is the sexiest man alive?


Unfortunately I haven’t met him yet! But I’m hoping he is going to be my future husband. For now I will say Mr Universe!


2. Who is your all-time favorite Miss Universe, why?


Over the years there have been so many amazing Miss Universes it’s extremely hard to pick! But I recently met the current winner Olivia for tea whilst she was in London – and can say from personal experience that she is fantastic, intelligent and strong woman.


3. What is the most difficult thing you did to prepare for the Miss Universe pageant? Why did you do that?


Making decisions! As a contestant you can take yourself in so many different directions . Its pressurising because since you only have one shot at the title you have to nail everything first time! But I can promise everyone at Missosology that Miss Universe is constantly on my mind – it is my passion and my goal right now and I am doing everything I can, both physically and mentally, to become the best contestant I can be.


4. What has been the biggest disappointment in your life & how did you deal with it?


The most disappointing moment in both my life and my family’s  was finding out my little brother was severely disabled, that he would never speak, and would most likely never pass a mental age of 1 years old. Anyone who has been through something like this, will know that it is extremely difficult because you are completely powerless to help your loved one. I dealt with by allowing myself to make peace with what had happened. And now I do everything in my power to make him as happy as possible and love him with all my heart. He has taught me to appreciate even the smallest things  in life and I believe he keeps me grounded to what really matters.


5. Describe your fashion sense & style.


I believe in dressing for yourself. Rather than following trends – I dress completely according to my own feelings, shape and colours that suit me – I think we are all individuals and our style should show off who we are.


6. What does loving a boyfriend mean to you?


For me it’s all about balance. Someone that you can trust, and will always be there for you but doesn’t hold you back from your goals. As ‘misses’ we are young and ambitious women and therefore if we are to have a partner they need to be able to combine commitment with freedom and faith.


7. Any beauty secrets that you would like to share the readers of Missosology?


Coconut oil! Its so good for you and has so many uses! You can use it as a body moisturiser, a hair mask, a bath oil,  a vitamin supplement and you can cook food healthily with it – I will definitely be taking a pot to Russia!


8. Tell us about the most beautiful place in your country.


Britain has so many beautiful places! The Scottish mountains, the little seaside towns, and the castles! However my personal favourite has to be Saunton beach in Devon – my family and I used to go camping there when I was a child and it brings back so many wonderful memories – it is a great place to surf, sample our traditional English fish + chips and watch the sun go down.


9. Tell us about your mantra or secret to success.


You get out what you put in. If you want something, believe in yourself and work to the core of your heart and  soul. If this is your dream never stop trying – the only failure is mistakes you don’t learn from. Take both the good and the bad and use it to grow.


10. When was the last time you cried?


Why?      Today! I was donating blood – but after a nasty experience a few years ago I get a bit panicked  -hopefully though it will be worth it for someone that’s needs it more than me.


11. What do you like to do for fun with friends?


My passion is to travel and see as much of the world as I can – so visiting somewhere new and going on an adventure is my ideal time with friends.


12. Miss Universe Organization now allows transgenders to compete in their pageant system, what’s your take on this?


For me Miss Universe allowing transgender contestants is a wonderful movement and a massive step in the right direction for a world of acceptance and peace. It makes me proud me to represent a modern and open minded pageant.

13. What would you say to someone who thinks you’re not qualified or pretty enough to represent your country in Miss Universe?


Beauty is a subjective term. And we all have our opinions – which is what makes pageants so interesting!


14. What qualities do you feel you have that would make you a great Miss Universe?


I’m independent, charismatic, caring and I’m very passionate about becoming the change I wish to see in the world. To become Miss Universe would be a dream come true – and I would be completely committed to my duties and use the year to help and inspire as many people as possible.