Miss Asia Pacific World
Hillarie greets everyone on Missosology!
Hillarie is a super beauty, it doesn’t take much of a genius to realize that. From humble beginnings to infinite opportunities, she set out on the same path followed by so many others that had a dream similar to hers — she followed the road to being in the limelight. She eventually became one of the most sought after and photographed models in the Philippines. She cried when Gian Quiballo, national director for Miss APW knocked at her door and bestowed the right to represent the Philippines in this year’s Miss Asia Pacific World. The reason why it’s easy to love Hillarie is her personality, which is void of any pretension. She could have easily fallen into the trappings of being a successful model, but she remains one of the nicest people in the business. She’s overwhelming with star qualities. On top of that, Hillarie’s smile is as natural as her charm. Set to have everyone at her feet soon enough, get to know her in an exclusive interview with Missosology.

As a small town girl, who grew up poor, seeing my face on TV and prints, makes me proud. It makes me proud to say that I I will not regret packing my bags, and put college on hold. I am also equally proud that when people say talent can’t get you too far, I can say it got my “face” on TV! ??
What do you like to do for fun with your friends?
It’s really difficult to pinpoint what I can say fun, since when I am in the company of friends, it is always fun and comforting. It’s really not what we do, but the togetherness.
In today’s society, women play prominent roles in business, politics, education, sports, entertainment, and the arts. What are the contributions that pageants make to today’s women?
There are still some who still see pageants as degrading to women, but there are the advantages that they fail to mention. The pageant has become a platform to develop quick witted women. Pageants also train women to become outsopken, well poised, and graceful under fire. Pageants forces women to learn about world events and humanity. We train to become future ambassadors, but many of us join the pageants because we are hoping to be use this platform to advance our causes. It is a cliche, but it is true, Many pageant contestants are beautiful with a purpose, and many of us do want to help advance real peace and advocate for less human sufferings.

I wish I can say WHEN I WIN, instead of IF Seriously, primary goal is to do what the Pageant envisions me to do, however, personally, I hope to empower women to rise above adversities, and advocate against bullying, especially amongst teenagers, especially females.
Please add anything about yourself that you would like us to know?
I Think it’s my small town upbringing, I am still uncomfortable with glamour sometimes. In fact, whenever I can, I like to escape back to my town, or anything that reminds me of the rice fields and mild breeze. I still like wearing flip flops over heels; and use my bare hand to eat.
If there were no rules in your life for one day and you could be outrageous, what would you do?
Oh, I would love to eat all types of noodles from all over the world, especially pancit from all over the Philippines.

Because of my age, my metabolism is still awesome, and staying small is easy. But now, I’m competing, I need to be more mindful about staying fit, and toned. My exercise regimen and schedule is a lit harder than what I used to do.
Who do you think is the sexiest man alive?
No brainer: Channing Tatum
Any beauty secrets that you would like to share the readers of Missosology?
Do not sleep with your make up. Always go to bed with a clean favs, and hydrate, hydrate!

My aunt passed this quote from William Clark, an American explorer, and it has guided me through my progress in life, “Be ambitious not for money, not for selfish aggrandizement, not for the evanescent thing which men call fame. be ambitious for the attainment of all that a man can be”. With this as guide, I stay ambitious, and always hoping to be successful, not for personal gain alone, but that my success will translate to help more people.
When was the last time you cried? Why?
I shed tears recently when I found out I was chosen to represent the Philippines. It was mixed emotions. I was very happy, but I know it comes with enormous responsibility. All I can say though is I don’t mind crying everyday for reasons like this.
What qualities do you feel you have that would make you a great Miss Asia Pacific World?
Most Asian women do not live a comfortable life compared to those in the Western world; I grew up with less privileges, that I can be a true advocate to many Asian causes, most especially on women and children. If I may add, I also come from a country where we are taught beautiful is beyond skin deep. I believe these qualities will make me a true beautiful ambassador for Asian causes.
Please send your message to your Missosology fans.
I quoted Abe Lincoln when I said, ” I will prepare, and my time will come”. Friends, I prepared, and my time to represent our country is here. Please bless me with your support, prayers, and love. Help me make our country proud, and shine in the world stage. Please know, I always appreciate all you do for me. Keep me in your prayers.

’50s Inspired Fashion by LaLeLi Manila

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