Maya Albert, representing Occitanie, was crowned Miss International France 2021 during the finals held June 20 in Roubaix.

The 23-year-old marketing student from Pyrénées will represent the European nation at the 60th Miss International in November.

“I have the honor of being your new Miss International France and I would have the pleasure of going to represent France in Japan next November (J’ai l’honneur d’être votre nouvelle Miss International France et j’aurais le plaisir de partir représenter la France au Japon en Novembre prochain),” she wrote on Instagram.

“I have a special thought for my fellow adventurers who made my stay unforgettable. Many thanks girls you will stay in my heart forever (J’ai une pensée toute particulière pour mes camarades d’aventures qui ont fait de mon séjour un moment inoubliable. Milles merci les filles vous resterez à jamais dans mon cœur).”

No stranger to pageants, Albert previously participated in Miss Pays d’Albigeois 2016 and Miss Excellence Midi Pyrénées 2019.

France won the Miss International crown in 1976 with Sophie Perin. It currently ranks 11th in Missosology Big5 Ranking. Missosology.Org; Photos from Maya Albert’s Instagram page