By Missosology-India Team/ Graphics by Mario Bergantiños
These Hot Picks are just calculated before the release of the official videos and these are the penultimate Hot Picks for Femina Miss India 2019. The Missosology-India team composed of Rajat, Ritika, Nishant and Kartik collated their scores for each candidate and shared their opinions about them. It was a bit tough to judge the candidates as the battle heats up but nevertheless, the team managed to come up with a list.
Without any further ado, let’s reveal on who made it.
15 : ASSAM : 8.075
Ritika : What a lovely surprise! She has the face of an angel and definitely can rock the stage!
Nishant : Beautiful face but she is unable to bring something more to the table.
Rajat : Face is stunning but the competition is tough.
Kartik : She is pretty!
14 : UTTARAKHAND : 8.10
Ritika : She is another one who can come from behind and take one of the 3 crowns, she has been consistent and worked for years towards this pageant.
Nishant : She is a go-getter. She has improved with each passing year. Although I want to see her step-up a little more for the competition.
Rajat : Tremendous potential but yet to see her A game.
Kartik: She is nice but lacks conviction.
13 : West Bengal : 8.225
Ritika : She started on top but has fallen down quite a bit. She has to pick herself up to get back on track and with her determination that should not be a problem.
Nishant : A huge downfall. Needs to come back in the competition. She has a lovely face and height. She just needs to bring something more to be in the top notch.
Rajat : Shocked to see her fall so deep and low in rankings ! She better buck up.
Kartik: Hardworking but not able to hit the Bull’s Eye.
12 : Mizoram : 8.275
Ritika : She is one of the best faces from northeast but she will have to improve soon her communication skills to go further in the competition.
Nishant : Good face & personality but fails to standout in groups. Had too much expectations from her.
Rajat : Strongest of the Northeast girls.
Kartik: Oriental Goddess.
11 : Himachal Pradesh : 8.500
Ritika : A very pleasant surprise can place – can keep her in Top 15.
Nishant : A pleasant surprise! Sweet face.
Rajat : A great surprise package.
Kartik : Ultimate Dark Horse.
10 Sikkim : 8.650
Ritika : She performed like she owned the stage, gorgeous face and what a beauty!
Nishant : Super gorgeous smile, sweet face and a likable personality. It would be shocking if she does not place high.
Rajat : Gorgeous girl but I don’t see her as a Miss India.
Kartik: Crown alert!

9 Maharashtra : 8.675
Ritika : She is good, but needs to be consistent to further in the competition. She can be in Top 15.
Nishant : Good but not super impressive. Needs to step up the performance. Good pictures, photogenic as well.
Rajat : She just stands out in the group with her exotic sultry face.
Kartik : She is captivating but needs to work on her walk.
8 Jammu and Kashmir : 8.700
Ritika : She is a head turner with her performance and personality and her medical background surely is the perfect resume for any girl wanting to be a Miss World. A crown contender for sure.
Nishant : A head turner for sure! Her beautiful facial features are a standout. What’s more? She has a strong medical background that sets her apart from the others. Rajat : She is absolutely gorgeous but her styling needs massive improvement and overhaul.
Kartik : she is everything a winner should be like.
7 Bihar : 8.775
Ritika : Oh my, what a girl! She was under the radar so far, but boy she nailed it! She walks, she talks and she is a stunner.
Nishant : She is young, calm & composed, speaks so well, impactful on the stage.
Rajat : She has blossomed at the right time.
Kartik : Dark horse in the making.
6 Uttar Pradesh : 8.800
Ritika : She is a performer, she is a beauty and totally a crown worthy girl, but is Miss World her pageant? Only time will tell.
Nishant : A very good performer. Lovely face and smile but is it getting too much to handle in one go? Is she trying too hard to make her presence felt? She comes across a little harsh in the live videos.
Rajat : Well , she started as a dynamite and she is exploding left right and center and kind of burning out.
Kartik : Needs to control her expressions otherwise outlandish.
5 Delhi : 8.825
Ritika : This girl is nothing like the previous Miss Delhi. She holds her own in every group shot, every picture and when on stage she totally owns it with her presence. A very strong crown contender
Nishant : Has a very likable personality. Creates an impact on stage. Good pictures, performs well on stage, speaks well. Someone who can easily crack the Top 10.
Rajat : Calm, composed, serene, charming!!
Kartik : Her innocence and smile are her weapons.
4 Punjab 8.975
Ritika : Wow she just annihilated the stage. With a little more polishing and she will be bang on Top 10.
Nishant : Good face, good presence, good aura, likable body-height-face-hair proportion. Hope she is a good communicator as well. Can place in Top 5 as well.
Rajat : If a barbie doll has descended to the Miss India stage it’s her!
Kartik : Face of the pageant. Wish she could work on her speech.
Ritika : She is another girl who has been knocking the competition from Day 1, she surely is a worthy crown contender.
Nishant : She has set the bar high after her state crowning. Performed well consistently in all aspects although I am not very impressed with her performance during the unveiling.
Rajat : The only most consistent girl in the pageant. Not a single bad shot
Kartik: Winner alert!
2 TELANGANA : 9.15
Ritika : One of the best faces from the batch and personally she can take it all but her body needs more work than ever to go internationally.
Nishant : One of the best faces of the pageant. Only on the basis of face and smile, she can make a huge impact. Step up the game girl! You have it to make it big.
Kartik What a beauty but needs to get in shape.
Ritika : What a girl! She truly is a winner material. Her poise, elegance and calm makes her the perfect candidate for the FMI crown.
Nishant : She is one of the most confident girls seen in this batch. What a face! I simply love her radiant smile, calm and composed walk and a striking presence. She also comes across a person who can strike an interesting conversation.
Rajat : It’s a huge, massive lead ! This girl is doing everything right !
Kartik: Crown her now !!