Chelsi Shikongo was crowned Miss Namibia 2021 during the finals held June 5 at the Windhoek Country Club Resort and Casino in Windhoek.

The 23-year-old model and activist from Walvis Bay bested 14 other candidates for the title. She succeeded 2019 winner Nadja Breytenbach.

Annerie Maré (Kamanjab) and Michelle Mukuve (Rundu) placed first and second runners-up, respectively.

“Pageantry is a celebration. It brings happiness and pride to every country. Empowerment is something we must focus on more than just the physical beauty of the women who compete. The youth look up to us as role models,” Shikongo was quoted on The Namibian.

Shikongo is expected to compete in either Miss Universe or Miss World. The national contest finally puished through after the cancellation of its 2020 edition because of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Namibia ranks 25th in Missosology Big 5 Ranking. Missosology.Org; Photos from Miss Namibia’s Instagram account