The 23 year old beauty who hails from the port city of Antwerp bested 44 other hopefuls from all over Belgium to clinch the coveted crown. Chayenne Van Aarle is a flight attendant and she was crowned in a pageant held at the Proximus Theather in the town of De Panne. Elle Leclercq from Lokeren was named as the first runner-up while Silvana Spyros was hailed as the second runner-up.
Chayenne owed her victory to the values taught by her father. She said that she was born in a caravan but “grew up in castle”. “My dad adopted and cared for old circus animals”, she added.
Attending the pageant is the current Miss Ukraine Hannah Neplyakh who gave a brief speech with regards to the Russian invasion of her country. She asked for the support of NATO wherein Belgium is member. “Ukrainians are fighting to defend democracy across Europe”, she said.
Chayenne Van Aarle will compete either at Miss Universe 2022 or Miss World 2022 pageants. Interestingly, Belgium is yet to win a title from both pageants. Last year’s winner of Miss Belgium contest, Kedist Deltour, was one of the favorites at Miss Universe 2021 but she failed to make it to the semis. Belgium currently ranks as 37th at the Big5 ranking.