At the aftermath of Typhoon Haiyan (Yolanda), people from around the globe extended their sympathies to the victims of such a dreadful calamity. Thousands of Filipinos died and aid from around the world poured in. In the world of pageantry, the reigning winners of the Big4 Pageants did pitch in to help those in need. Did they really?
Well, the online community is talking about the help that both reigning Miss Earth Tereza Fajksova and the reigning Miss World Megan Young had rendered to the typhoon victims. Tereza and Megan helped pack the basic necessities that the typhoon victims desperately need. But then they also asked – what about the reigning Miss International Ikumi Yoshimatsu and reigning Miss Universe Ma. Gabriela Isler? Some commented that Ikumi and Ma. Gabriela are so apathetic, they prefered to post their vanities instead of showing that they care. Ikumi was shown appearing in a Japanese music award while Ma. Gabriela posted her fabulous outfit during the Latin Grammys.
So, are both Ikumi and Ma. Gabriela vain and apathetic while Megan and Tereza are out there sweating packing relief goods? Is this a sign that somehow Miss Earth and Miss World are a more caring and socially responsible pageants whereas Miss International and Miss Universe are all about glam, vanities and so out in touch with the reality of the world?
In defense of Ikumi and Ma. Gabriela though, physically helping the victims is quite impractical. Miss International for example is working in tandem with UNICEF which in turn helps the young typhoon victims. You can say that Miss Universe is indirectly helping as the local franchise holder, Bb. Pilipinas, is also helping out. Meanwhile, it is understandable for both Megan and Tereza to be physically present in helping out because Megan is a Filipina while Miss Earth is based in the Philippines.
But then, couldn’t Ikumi and Ma. Gabriela at least show to the public that they care? Are the criticisms for both Ikumi and Ma. Gabriela justified? Are both Miss International and Miss Universe organizations required to help the victims of the typhoon or they reserve the right to just concentrate on their activities without any care to the urgent needs of others? Comment on the comment box below.