
Exclusive interview with Miss World Australia 2013 Erin Holland

1.) Tell us something about yourself that most people don’t know about.


I was a self professed Band Geek right throughout my schooling years. All I did was play the Clarinet or Saxophone, or singing in the choir or performing in a musical! I wouldn’t have had it any other way though… Music is, and will always be a huge part of my life. Oh and I like puppies!! Although that’s not really much of a secret…


2.) Can you describe to us your Beauty with a Purpose project?


For the past 2 years, Miss World Australia has been involved in making the Lilla (and surrounding) Community’s Wish List come true. A severely remote part of Australia, the Lilla/Wanmarra/Ulpanyali Aboriginal communities are situated in the Red Centre of Australia, some 350 kilometres away from Uluru. These people live in an area of arid desert where there is no phone reception for hours, without the bare necessities of life. Since our involvement with this indigenous outreach program, I was lucky enough to present on behalf of the contestants and organisation a shipping container of $70 000 (AUD) worth of items from this Wish List of necessities, and announce that over $120 000 (AUD) has been raised so far for this very worthy cause. Our next step is to install the myriad of appliances we supplied (washers, dryers, fridges, hot water systems, air conditioners) paint the houses, and contribute a teacher to the school to help educate the children of these remote areas. I spent 4 days camping under the stars at this community, helping out at the school and ensuring our container arrived safely. It was one of the most overwhelming and humbling experiences of my life, to see first hand how grateful these people were for our gifts and how much of a difference it will make in their lives.


3.) Why do you want to become Miss World 2013?


Any event that promotes and encourages the importance of individuality, self-confidence, generosity, philanthropy compassion and of course inner-beauty in young women is a remarkable thing. To be chosen as the ambassador for this competition and represent the charitable causes that is supports would be a dream come true. I would love the opportunity to bring the title home to Australia, and raise the profile of the incredible Miss World organisation in my country.


4.) What do you expect in Indonesia?


I have never visited this part of the world before so I am of COURSE incredibly excited to explore a new country and a new culture!! From my research, I am most looking forward to the incredible landscapes, trying every local cuisine I can get my hands on and experiencing as much of the culture as possible! I have had wonderful support from the kind people of Indonesia thus far and the 3rd of September cannot come quickly enough.