Tags Posts tagged with "Osmel Sousa"

Tag: Osmel Sousa

Venezuela is in trouble. Everybody should know it by now but we are not just talking about its economy crippled by hyperinflation nor about...

This week, a new Miss Venezuela was crowned. Along with the celebration of their new queen, Osmel Sousa’s controversial statements once again are spot...

Ángela Galante fue electa, la noche de este sábado, como la Miss Venezuela Mundo 2015. Galante representará al país en la Miss Mundo 2015,...

Después de semanas de rumores, el "Zar de la belleza" aclaró la situación a través de un comunicado de prensa. Comunicado de Prensa http://www.missvenezuela.com/noticias/Default.aspx Osmel Sousa no...

    When asked what is the vital key to her victory, the new Miss World Venezuela, Debora Menicucci did not hesitate to answer. She pointed...

Only 12 of the 24 pre-selected girls made ​​itas official finalists of Miss Venezuela Mundo 2014, which will be held on August 2. They are: Gleymar...

Escrito por Herl Alvarado   Cuando Ma. Gabriela Isler fue coronada como Miss Universo 2013 , los analistas de otros países comenzaron a criticar las bellezas...