A recent article from Miami Herald is suggesting that the city of Doral may end up footing the bill of Miss Universe pageant which stands up to $2million. The paper reported that the city of Doral has no papers to show that there are private sponsors as of the moment. During the press conference announcing the hosting of the pageant at the city, Doral mayor Luigi Boria proudly announced that the city has already got up to $1million of sponsorships. But when asked for the written commitments, Miami Herald claims that City Manager Edward Rojas has nothing to show.


Further investigation by the newspaper found that the trail seems to be circuitous. The mayor pointed his finger to the Miss Universe Organization but when queried Jackie Shahinian  public relations coordinator at the Miss Universe Organization. ““I can’t imagine that would be something we would handle. This is the first time I’ve ever received a request such as this.”


Miami Herald also reported that the city of Doral has already written a $500, 000 check to the Miss Universe Organization.

Read more here: http://www.miamiherald.com/news/local/community/miami-dade/doral/article2538368.html#storylink=cpy


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