Lead Beauty Expert: Bong Tan @bong.tan
Graphics: K. Enriquez @kxxenriquez
Texts: R. Galvez @the4ofustraveling
The Miss Supranational 2019 candidates are now arriving in Poland and Missosology has several correspondents on the ground to cover the pageant. This list reflects their first impression of the candidates.
- Thailand – Anntonia Porsild is very impressive. Her attitude is her most attractive quality and her beauty is also striking. She’s an excellent balance of the east and west. To date, she happens to be the strongest Thai beauty to ever grace at Miss Supranational.
- Czech Republic – Hana Vagnerova has a classy and striking beauty. She is definitely a head turner and she leaves a lasting impression. It is as if she let her beautiful eyes do all the talking.

- 3. Puerto Rico – Shaleyka Velez is halfway between being fierce and being demure. She is the strongest among the Latina group and Miss Supranational does not really have an issue with back to back wins if warranted.
- 4. Poland – Kamila Swierc is the local girl and she is really impressive. Her beauty has a global appeal. She has that class and elegance.
- 5. Indonesia – Jesica Fitriana Martasari is genuine and spontaneous. This has been confirmed by Missosology correspondents and you can check out her beauty talks and decide for yourself. CLICK HERE
- Namibia – Yana Haenisch
- Mexico – Dariana Urista
- India – Shefali Sood
- Venezuela – Gabriela de la Cruz
- Philippines – Resham Saeed
- Vietnam – Ngoc Chau
- Rwanda – Shanitah Umunyana
- Japan – Natsumi Takenaka
- South Africa – Leyla van Greuning
- Myanmar – Eaint Myat Chal