
México es la Reina Internacional del Café 2017

22-year-old María de Lourdes Acevedo, was announced as the winner of Reinado Internacional del Cafe 2017 which is part of the annual Manizales Fair in Colombia. This 5’7 beauty from Veracruz stood out among other 27 delegates from different countries that produce, export and import coffee.

mexico5Kerelyne Isell Campigotti (Honduras) was named the vice-queen.  Sara Croce (Italy), Francielly Soares (Brazil) and Ana Cristina Díaz (Venezuela) ended up as the first, second and third princess, respectively.

Brazil also received a special award for having the best hair of the pageant.

The 28 contestants introduced themselves one by one with a runway in their national costumes. The evening gown portion was up next and finally, the top 5 selected had to answer different questions related with the coffee theme.


reinadelcafe2017-mexicoMinutes later after being announced as the winner, Acevedo’s first words were: “I’m speechless. I can just thank all the people from Manizales and everyone else watching, for all your love and support, and I promise that I will represent all the Colombian people in an extraordinary way. I already know that Colombian coffee is the best one in the world and it will still being it during my reign and the next years ahead. I promise to all the people from here that Manizales will be known internationally, because it’s not possible that this city with this pure and unique essence is unknown outside. So I will personally make sure you all get recognized internationally as it should be. I love you so much, thank you!”

/Jose Antonio Coronel Aizaga

