by Jon A – Resident Expert of Missosology
We’ve seen the final 24, and we are very pleased. In addition to a consistent and very strong group, we think Femina has finally honed in on the new Miss World formula: down to earth, intelligent, beautiful girls who care about making a difference in the world. These are the kind of well bred, “sensible” girls with big hearts and big dreams that Julia Morely loves. And best of all, they are all very good looking and represent for the most part, very typical Indian looks and with some nice diversity.
After just a few days of photos, and the intro videos, before we head to the grooming phase, here are our current picks (in random order):
Crown Contenders
Nikhila- A complete package, amazing smile, confident, vibrant, sophisticated. A little too self conscious?
Koyal – Katrina Kaifish angelic looks, she is prepared, and seems genuinely kind and sincere. Is she too fabricated? She needs to relax, and be herself, if she knows who that is.
Varsha – Great height, smile, speaks well. Hasn’t found the right look yet.
Jhatalekha – Needs to focus, and find the right look, the right identity, the right story. Has all the potential, but a little scattered.
Sanjana – Stunning Nicole Faria quality looks, great height and body, sweet and intelligent. Does she believe?
Will crash the party and could end up with a crown
Aradhana – Beauty with a great body, maturity, eloquence. How can she make herself stand out?
Bhanu – Her beauty radiates inside and out, completely natural and magnetic. Is she glamorous enough?
Ishrika – Would be an interesting choice for Miss Earth. Vibrant, well spoken. Needs to refine her look.
Malati – The face if the pageant. She is perfect. But needs to be more confident.
Sahitya – Smart, well spoken, stands out. But needs to find the right look, because she can also look very harsh.
Yoshiki – Better in photos than in person. But interesting.
Mansi – Really gorgeous, but needs to move past the small town girl image and take the competition and pageant more seriously.
In competition…but need to up the ante: