Just looking at the latest trends at Miss International, one might think that Norway is one of the weakest countries in the pageant. After all, it’s more than 2 decades since they made it to the semis. The truth is, Norway can boast two titleholders: Catherine Gude who won in 1998 and Anne Lena Hansen in 1995.  The task in reversing the current trend falls on the shoulders of Henritte Hauge. She is representing Norway at Miss International 2019 and hopes to be the third Norwegian to win the Miss International title.

  1. Tell us something that most people don’t know about you?

when I was just turned sixteen years old, I won a scholarship to study dance and performing arts at a school in England. I moved away from my family and lived by myself for two years. This was a huge experience in my life and I learned so much about myself, my values and priorities in life.

  • How would you describe Norway to your fellow contestants?

Norway is a beautiful country with outstanding nature. We have amazing mountains and spectacular fjords. If you visit the north of Norway you can see the the northern lights, which is a must see if you visit Norway. The people of Norway are kind and welcoming.

  • What is your beauty secret?

My beauty secret is keeping things natural. In my normal day to day life I tend to not wear makeup and keep my hair natural to avoid unnecessary damage. This gives my skin time to breath and keeps it fresh in between modelling jobs and meetings.  

  • What has been the biggest disappointment in your life & how did you deal with it?

My biggest disappointment in life was when I injured my ankle really bad, I had to have surgery and it was never the same after. I was told that I couldn’t dance on it any longer, which was something that changed my life forever. I have been dancing all my life and was currently studying at a performing arts college. Getting the news meant I had to skip third year and take normal academics in Norway instead. But I have turned this experience into greater goods. This incident made me sure about my education choice and direction. It made me sure that working with sports injuries as an osteopath was what I wanted to pursue as a carrier.

  • What made you to decide and participate for the Miss Norway competition?

This was actually a bit of a coincident, I was just applying for fun and thought they would never pick me anyway. But I got through round after round and here I am today representing Norway in Miss International. It’s a true honor!

  • How have you been preparing for Miss International 2019?

My title as Miss International Norway is still ferly fresh, but I am trying as good as I can to get time for all the work and questions from people around the world. I’m talking to media and doing some modelling jobs and try to fit in some charity events too. It’s a busy schedule being Miss International Norway, nevertheless at the same time as I am a completely normal 19-year-old girl who just started studying for my dream education.

  • If you were to choose your evening gown, what color would it be and why?

Hmm I think I will keep this a secret for the final, but I really like the color red, so you will just have to stay tuned to see the gown in the finale. 😉

  • If you become the next Miss International, what will you do with the crown and title?

If I become the next Miss International, I will use my title to strengthen my work towards helping young girls and women to become strong and independent. I will also keep up my work for sick children in hospitals to make their everyday a little better. I am also a fighter for climate change and saving our planet from global warming.

  • What qualities do you think will enable you to shine at Miss International?

I think my strength in believing in myself and knowing what good I stand for will be a good quality to bring to the Miss International stage.

  • And finally a message to all of your fans out there.

I would just like to thank you all for the tremendous amount of love and the support I have received from you all the past few weeks. It means a lot to me. And to all of you out there just remember “beauty starts the moment you decide to be yourself”

Special thanks to Jesse Ambrosio (Missosology-Scandinavia) for facilitating the interview. Missosology wishes Henriette all the best at Miss International 2019