Miss International Denmark 2015 Mette Riis Sørensen is a drop-dead gorgeous blonde who could mistaken as one of the princesses straight out from a Hans Christian Andersen fairy tale book. As the representative of a small European kingdom that is famous for its pastries and fairy tales, Mette will try to do something that has never been done before – clinch the first Miss International crown of Denmark. Here, she talks about herself and some of the pressing issues of the day.
1. Tell us something about yourself, where you grew up, your likes and dislikes and your hobbies?
My name is Mette Riis Sørensen, I am 25 years old and live in Copenhagen. I was born and raised in Haderslev, a city in the South of Denmark, where I lived with my parents and little sister in a big house near the harbor. I have a lot of great childhood memories and my family means everything in the world to me. I am very close with my little sister because we have the same hobbies and passions. I love to dance, modelling, running, swimming, do fitness, cooking and traveling. I am a cultural person and I love to see museums and meet people from different countries. I like to make a positive impact in other people’s lives, when a stranger asks me for directions, or if someone is hurt and needs help, I am usually there to assist. That is the biggest reason that I chose my profession as an Occupational Therapist. I am so fortunate that I am able to impact society in a positive manner because of my daily work. I am a very calm, patient, and tolerant person who is very laid back and doesn’t get upset too easily.
2. What are your preparations for the upcoming Miss International pageant?
I have been studying the Japanese culture and learning everything I can about the amazing city of Tokyo! Part of what I understand is that Miss International is a tourism pageant, promoting good will and unity. I have been studying the competition and the previous winners, as well. I have used my network to find sponsors, in terms of jewelry, skincare, haircare, clothing and more for Miss International. As a beauty queen it’s important to have a good wardrobe, and the sponsors are helping with that. I know a few designers through my work as a model who has been willing to help me. While I’m waiting for going to Miss International I’m working on my body so it can be at its best for Miss International.

3.) Who among the Miss International winners do you like best and why?
My favorite winner is Bea Rose Santiago from the Philippines in 2013. She is very natural and relaxed when she talks, she has good speaking skills and she commands respect and attention and people listen to her. She is natural and beautiful, sincere and honest, and shows empathy and respect to other people around her. She is also very elegant and eloquent. She is the perfect beauty queen, example of femininity and representative for the Miss International organization.

4.) What are your expectations on the upcoming Miss International 2015 pageant?
I look forward to meeting the other contestants and hope they are nice and welcoming. I hope the Miss International organization will find the best and most worthy winner, as well. I hope to learn a lot about other cultures around the world and that I will see Tokyo and learn more about the Japanese culture, and the cultures of the other girls attending. I also look forward to seeing Miss U.S. International again, as she was a judge for my national pageant, and we are, I think, the only blondes competing!
5.) What is your opinion regarding the refugee crisis that hit Europe? Should the EU welcome more Syrian refugees? Why or why not?
We have to understand, that no one puts their children in a boat unless the water is safer than the land. These people need our help. If all the countries in the EU stand together and are welcoming to them, then I believe we will get some strong and great full new people to our community. I believe that all the good you do will come back to you again someday. We have incredible tolerance and acceptance for the differences of others, and while we may be a small and isolated country, we have big hearts that welcome those in who need it.
6.) Gay marriage is still illegal in so many countries in the world. Should they be forced to legalize it in the name of human rights? Why or why not?
You don’t decide on your own who you fall in love with or who you will be loving. All people should be able to choose who they love and want to get married with. That is true love. It is unfortunate that the question as to whether two individuals who are in love should be allowed to get married, when there are so many more important issues. Denmark was the first country to legalize gay marriage, and I have lived here my whole life, to us, gay marriage is a non-issue.
7.) Finally, a message to your fans at Missosology.
I look so much forward to start this amazing journey I’m starting on. To meet a lot of amazing people and unite our cultures so we can create a stronger bond between us all. Thank you for your support and encouragement!